🌝night and day🌞

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After entering the bedroom I closed the door and look at him. The room was only illuminated by the street light.

I didn't turn the lights on because the atmosphere is charged up. He didn't say anything, just standing still behind me hands still in my grip.

I turned around and let go of his hand. Our eyes meet when I took a step forward. We were panting lightly because of all the running.

This beautiful man is going to be mine today. The day we first met he caught my attention immediately. I've spent so many night thinking about him even before I've known him properly. I've dreamt about him at night only to face the harsh reality in the morning.

Not tonight.

Tonight I am not dreaming. He is really here standing in front of me, smiling shyly.

I touched his lips with my hand and looked at him fondly. He closed his eyes for a sec and then took a step forward.

When my lips touched his it was electrifying. I gently sucked his lower lip and put some pressure on so he opened his mouth and our tongue collided.

The second became minutes. Our kiss became more passionate and urgent. The saliva we were exchanging somehow became sweeter.

' ummm you are really sweeter than a cake.' I mumbled between kisses.

'Ummm ah.' A low moan escaped his throat.

His hands which were clutching my shirts now snaked around my neck.

I take us both to the bed without breaking the kiss.

'Ummm Tay...' Hin said my name which make me feel like my whole body is on fire.

I took off both of our shirts in a swift movement. He helped me take off our pants. We were completely naked in no time.

'Babe..' I kissed his forehead before continue to assure him that everything is going to be alright.

His beautiful doe eyes looking at me so lovingly that I feel I am the luckiest man on this Earth.

Small kisses on his chest made him wiggling under me, sending shivers through my spine.

'Stop moving so much or else I will not be able to control myself.' His wiggling makes my little Tay more hard.

'sorry' he mumbled but didn't stop wiggling. When I looked at him warningly saw his mischievous smile.

I am so turned on now.

'I am going to punish you for your naughtiness.'

His giggle stopped when I swallowed his lips.

And we spend our first night together in a way like there is no tomorrow.

Next morning when I wake up my eyes see the most beautiful sight. A man with milky white skin, disheveled hair, cute swollen lips sleeping peacefully beside me on my bed. His lower lip a bit jutted out making a cute pout.

My Hin. The love of my life. Sleeping in my arms.

I couldn't control the urge of kissing that cute nose.

'Hmmm....' He stirred a little.

'Good morning babe.' I kissed again this time on the lips.

'Hmm gu monnig' he stretched his arms and smiles sleepily with half closed eyes.

'Do you wanna sleep some more?' It is normal to feel exhausted after our vigorous love making sessions. We finished after 5 rounds, not because I was done because he fell asleep. If it was upto me I would have go on till the sunrise.

Yup I am that horny for my baby.

'Hmmm 5 more minutes.' He mumbled and curled up in a ball under the blanket.

'Hey don't pull the blanket all over your head! You'll be suffocated.' I keep some gap open.


'ok ok you sleep some more, I am gonna take a shower.'

After taking a quick shower I leave the sleeping man alone in the bedroom and goes to cook some breakfast.

The kitchen is a mess.

We didn't get to bake the cake.

I chuckled at that thought.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

It's Off.

'Peng Good morning.' I answered the call with a smile on my face.

'Good morning Tay, is everything all right?' He asked with concerns.

'Everything is good peng. Don't worry.' I replied.

'How was the dinner? Did you get to tell Dew about you and New? What was his reaction?' Off asks questions non-stop.

'Yeah we've told him everything.' The bitter memory comes back ruining my morning euphoria.

'Is he ok with you two?'

'Does it matter peng? We don't need his permission to continue our relationship, it's just a formality which had to be done, now its upto him what's his stand will be.' I huffed in frustration.

'So he didn't take it well.' Off said understandingly.

'Let's not talk about it now, I will tell you everything when we meet.' I want to end the topic.

'Ok take care both of you. See you tomorrow at the office.'

'See you.' I end the call.

It takes almost an hour to make some pancakes and coffee, clean the kitchen and throw away the trash.

'Good morning babe.' With tray in my hand I enter the bedroom only to find the bed empty.

'Hin' I call him loudly.

'In the bathroom.' He answers.

'Oh ok' I let out a sigh. For a split second I thought he left again without saying goodbye.

'Oooo! Pancakes!' He comes out from the bathroom freshly showered wearing a pair of black shorts and that extra large white T-shirt written boyfriend on it.

He notices that I am looking at him.

'Ummm I borrowed these from your closet... Do you mind... I didn't want to wear the suit..' He hesitantly says.

I put down the tray and close the gap between us with two long strides.

'My each and everything is yours to take so don't even think about asking permission.' I gave a peck on his wet lips.

'Ok point noted.' He returned the peck.

'Now eat your breakfast then we have to go grocery shopping. Fridge is totally empty.' I put a plate full of fluffy pancakes in front of him.

'Hmmm divine!' He starts to chew slowly enjoying every bite.

We finished our breakfast in record time because we both were hungry as hell.

'Here take the pain meds.' I handed him some painkillers.

'I'm fine Tay, you think too much,' he sighed.

' just take it na... For my peace of mind.' I know he is not totally fine.

'Fine give me those damn medicine.' He showed me his cute pout.

'Good boy.' I ruffle his hair.

No one talked about the pressing issue. We both were afraid of the outcome.

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