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'He is my boyfriend Dew, so no more badmouthing him.' New didn't shout but his voice was angry.

'Shit New!' Earth let out a low curse.

Suddenly the whole atmosphere became silent. No one is talking. Dew and Hin engaged in a stare off match. Earth is looking at both of them with worried eyes.

I am too stunned to speak.

I didn't expect New to spill the tea.

I said I will inform Dew but here everything got tangled.

This silence is indicating that a storm is coming.

A phone rang somewhere breaking the eerie silence. Dew got up and took the call.

'Mild' he said curtly.


'Do me a favour and come to my condo this moment. I wanna talk to you.'


'Yes, come fast. I am waiting.'

What! Why is he asking P to come?!

'What are you doing?' New asked with a guarded tone.

'Either you break up with him or I am gonna break up with Mild.'
Dew said threateningly.

We all gasped in horror.

What! Is he crazy!

'You are not serious.' New was beyond surprised.

'Look New, you know how much I love her. I already bought a ring for her if you are going to question my commitment. But if you don't break up with him I am going to end it all with Mild. Your choice.' Dew said with a very serious tone.

'Why are you doing this?' New was in the verge of crying. He was shaking uncontrollably.

'Hin! Hey calm down.' I immediately got up and wrapped him in my arms. What's happening!

'I don't wanna see you with him, understand? You think I am the bad guy here? Go ahead and think whatever you want but end this.' Dew leave the room without another word.

'I...I... Let me talk to Dew...don't worry... Tay please take care of him.' He nodded towards Hin and left.

'Why's he doing this? I don't understand! Why! Why!' New was mumbling continuously.

'Babe shhh... Calm down na! I am here. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.' I don't know what else to say! I am equally stumped.

'Tay...' His voice is inaudible.

'Yeah babe.. I am here...' I feel so sad watching him suffer.

'Don't leave me na.' He said in the same tone.


Half of my worry vanised magically hearing those words. I let out the breath I was holding.

'I was afraid that you are gonna break up with me' I tightened my grip on him and kissed his forehead.

'Not a chance! I will let P'Mile to whip his butt. Just wait and see.'

Huh! P will whip.... What... P doesn't know about this twin situation... Then...

I was trying to process what he said .

Suddenly the front door opened and P came inside hurriedly.

'Tay!' P was shocked to see me here.

'What are you....' And her eyes landed on New who was still in my arms sitting almost on my lap.

'P let me explain' I was shocked too.

Shit! P! Don't get the wrong idea.

But without waste a sec she ran towards me.

Ohh! For gods sake! I am not hugging your boyfriend!

'P..' I couldn't even finish the sentence P shoved me hard. I stumbled backwards and hit a chair.

'Why are you crying?' She hugged New and started to pat his back soothingly.

'Just tell me who make you cry! I will chop their head off.' She was looking at me furiously.

What kind of girlfriend talks like that huh! Is he your child!! Why are you acting like a protective mama bear!!

But what surprised me most is that New hugged her back with a small smile on his crying face.

'Go and kill your boyfriend P. He is the culprit here.'

'Ohhh! That insufferable man! Don't worry Neweeii let me handle him. Stop crying na.' She fondly caressed his face and smiled.

'You!' She turned his head towards me and said, 'take care of him and tell me where is that asshole?'

'He... He is... In his room.' I can't speak properly because I was thinking about many things at the same time.

She knows!


Then why I didn't know that she knows!

'Tay..' New called me back from my reverie.

'P knows?' I asked him.

'Huh?' He didn't get my question.

'P knows about you and Dew? I mean this whole twin situation?' I was really shocked.

'Yeah she knows. We talked over the phone when Dew was admitted in the hospital. We met in person when I came back from USA via korea. Though she wasn't aware of our whole situation, but Dew convinced her to not disclose my existence to others.'

'Why didn't you tell me! I was so worried about how to tell her!'

'She just knows that recently you and I work together, nothing else. She actually very fond of me and I also like her very much. She is perfect for bro.' New again became sad.

'You are right. Dew is hot tempered, stubborn and P is exactly opposite. So don't worry she will handle him'. I grabbed his hand and headed straight to the door.

'Where are we going?' New said bewildered.

'My house and You are coming with me. No arguments.' I firmly said.

'But...' He hesitated.

'I am not staying here tonight and I am not going to leave you here alone. So the best option is you are coming with me. We will talk to them again. I will call P tomorrow. Ok?' I don't want him to suffer anymore.

'Dew was angry tonight. Let him cool down a bit na? I am sure he and P will be fine.' I tried to console my crying baby.

'I'll never forgive myself if they break up'.

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