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'I am gonna stay here.'

'You are gonna stay with me in my house."

'Tay, how long do you think I can avoid Dew? One day or another I have to talk with him. I know my brother, he is angry with me for now but I can assure you that I will take care of it.' New didn't pack a thing.

'What were you doing all this time huh? You didn't pack anything.' I went straight to his bedroom and opened the closet.

'I am not going with you Tay.' He followed me to the room.

'We already talked about it. Don't make it hard for me New, I am not in the mood to argue with you.' I warned him.

I am really not in the mood. Why I feel like I am trapped in a loop. We argued in the evening about coming here now he is arguing that he's gonna stay here.

'Why can't I stay in my own house?' He is still arguing.

'I've told you in the evening that we are coming here only to fetch some of your things and you agreed. Now you are saying you want to stay. Are you trying to get on my nerves?' He is pissing me off.

'Don't need to get all worked up ok? I've already stayed the weekend at your house.'

'And you are gonna stay there coming weeks too. Any problem in that?'

'I don't want to.'

'You don't want to spend time with me?'

'Don't twist my words. You know that's not what I meant.'

This argument is going no where. I have to find another way out.

'Fine! You can stay here but then I am also staying.' I closed the closet and climbed onto the bed.

'No! You can't.' He quickly came over and grab my hand.

'This is not the right way to treat your guest.  By the way Dew will be home in any minute now, let me cook dinner for all of us. Maybe I will impress him by my culinary skills and he will give his blessing.' I smiled sweetly at a dumbfounded New.

'Give me five minutes, I will pack my things.' With said that he open the closet and take out a bag.


I knew he will do anything to keep me away from his brother.

It only takes him 3 minutes to get ready.

'Let's go.' He take the bag and headed towards the door.

I know that he is not happy but I can't compromise his safety. What if Dew is wrong and his father approaches New. What am I gonna do then! Cold shivers run down in my spine. I won't let him be alone for one minute.

The car ride was short and silent. Even after entering the house he didn't utter a single word to me. I don't know what to say so I also kept silence.

'What do you wanna have for dinner?' I asked when he get out from the bathroom.

'Not hungry.' He climbed onto the bed and lie down.

'Hin...'Am I going to get the famous silent treatment?

'Eat something na.' I try to coax him.

'Please turn off the lights.' He faced the wall.

'You are mad at me. why taking out on the food? At least eat some soup come on.' He is so stubborn.

No answer.


'You can't fall asleep this fast. Stop pretending and get up.'

No answer.

It's been a long day and I am tired too. My mental state is in a mess. I just want to go to bed and sleep peacefully with Hin in my arms but looks like that's not gonna happen tonight.

I left the room and go to the kitchen. My last resource is ice cream. I take out one big tub of his favorite choco chip flavor and went back to him.

'What are you doing?' I was surprised to see him out of the bed getting ready.

'I can't fall asleep so going for a run.' He is wearing his sweats.

'It's pretty late. Why don't you go for a morning run instead and now have some ice cream?' I showed him the tub.

'I am good.' He completely ignored the tub and starting to put on his jacket.

Hin is saying no to the ice cream!!

'You don't want it?' I need confirmation.

'No.' He is ready to leave.

'But this is your favorite!' I feel depressed. He doesn't even look at me.

'It's not.' He simply said with a hard look.

Why is he behaving like this.

'Am I that wrong to ask you to stay with me?' I blurted out.

'Ask me? Did you asked me or forced me?' He glared at me.

'I gave you another option but you didn't take it.' I come up with the answer readily.

'That wasn't an option. That was blackmailing.'

'When did I blackmail you? I simply wanted to stay at your house but you refused.'

'You knew I won't allow it. You knew I don't want you near Dew.' He throws his hand in frustration.

'Why? What's he gonna do to me? or you think I will do something harmful to your brother? What is it ? Tell me.' I know I am wrong. I should not pick a fight with him. But what else can I do. Ice cream didn't work it's charm, he is going out this late, I am desperate to keep him here even if I have to make him mad.

'What?' He was stunned to hear my baseless allegation.

'You heard me. You are only worried about your brother.' I arrogantly said.

'I am not worried about him, I am worried about you!' His voice suddenly became soft.

'Worried about me? Are you sure?' I said mockingly.

'Yes I am sure because you are no match for Dew. He can kick your ass in his sleep.' He smiled.

Now that's insulting! I can use it!

'Wow you are insulting me in my face!' I said indignantly.

'Are we done? Or should I play along with your fake anger game some more?' He crossed his arms.



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