👥secret romance💙

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Off exclaimed.

'Why don't you said it a bit louder? I don't think the people in the next building can hear you.' I was super annoyed.

New giggled at my comment.

'Sorry sorry, but seriously! You two are boyfriends?!' He said now in a hushed tone pacing back and forth.

'You don't have to be so dramatic!' I rolled my eyes.

'You already know my feelings for him and now I am telling you he feels the same way about me. So why are you acting this way?'

Really Off! What's wrong with you!

'Oh come on! Of course I am well aware of your feelings but New likes you back! That I can't fathom.' He says in a surprised tone.

'New are you sure? I mean if you need time to think clearly you can always....' Off couldn't continue because I grabbed his neck and dragged towards the door.

New's giggle becomes full blown laughter.

Hmm at least he finds Off's comment funny.

'Ok ok I won't say anything, leave me, come on!' He said while fighting me.

'Don't put stupid ideas in his head, I will kill you.' I said in a voice so low only Off can hear it.

'Oh stop it you two.' New said smiling happily.

I shoved Off and went straight to New.

'What are.... ' I didn't give him time to finish just pulled him in a tight hug.

'Keep smiling this way.... always!' I tightened my arms.

He chuckled but also wrapped him arms around me.

'Ah ah ah ah.... I am leaving now, you don't have to make love in front of me. Damn I am missing my babii.' With that he left the room.

'Off loves his boyfriend very much' New said while resting his head on my shoulder.

'Hmmm they are in a long distance relationship but I didn't see Off flirting or doing anything with anybody for a single time. He is one dedicated boyfriend.' I am proud of my friend.

'Then he can be a great influence on you.' New chuckled.

'What influence? I am also a great boyfriend already.' I pulled my head to look at him.

'We are boyfriends for less than two hours. You already claim to be a great boyfriend?' He was amused.

'Well I consider you as my boyfriend for a long time. So I can claim that.' I kissed the tip of his nose.

'Well aside from some occasional blunders you are doing a great job' He nodded his head vigorously.

'You!...' My shocked expression make him laugh.

Now you are dead.

I claimed his lips without further delay and swallowed his gasp.
I put my tongue directly in his mouth devouring every corner. His response was instant. We both quicken our pace, the kiss became more and more passionate.

Suddenly a knock on the door startled us. We hurriedly separated but our condition was far too obvious.

New quickly grabbed a file and concentrate hard. I sat on the chair and said

'Come in.' My voice was shaking.

'Sir Mr. Suttaiya is here.' Roy entered with my head of purchase at tow.

'Hello sir, we need to discuss about the pending orders.' He said bowing.

'Oh yes umm sure...' I totally forgot about this meeting.

'Ok Mr. Vihokratana, I will take my leave then. See you soon.' New extended his hand. I take it in a firm grip and said,

'Yeah thanks for accepting our offer. I will arrange the papers by tomorrow. Looking forward to work with you.'

'Same here.' He smiled softly.

Don't smile that way! You're killing me!

He left the room with Roy.

Hin! I miss you already.

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