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'Who does he think he is! Huh' Off was furious.

'Off! Stop shouting! People are looking', I tried to pacify him.

But I was irritated too. How dare he threatened us!

'He is really a bad guy Tay, I am genuinely concerned for P'.

Me too!

What happened to that soft spoken, kind hearted, always smiling beautiful man! This guy is exact opposite...I miss him...so much

Suddenly the phone on the table started to ring.

It's Dew's phone.

'Who the hell is calling that brat?'

Off took the phone and look surprised.

'Who is it?' I also wanted to know.

Earth calling....

'Don't answer it.' But Off already pressed the answer button,

'Talk to him' he just shoved the phone in my ear.


'Sorry it took me so long, don't get angry na..' Someone laughed heartily.

My heart starts racing. I don't know after how many days I am listening to this soothing sound. Happiness washed all over me.

'What! Are you giving me silent treatment? Fine then I will not give you the good news.' The laughter continues.

I pressed the phone more tightly in my ear. I want to hear more.

'Ok ok Here comes the good news.....I AM COMING BACK TOMORROW!'

'Who is it?' I spoke with a quivering voice, I was afraid that the caller might disconnect the call and I won't hear the voice ever. The voice I dearly missed.

'Huh? Did I dial wrong number? No, then.... Umm hi... May I know who I am talking to?'

'This is Dew's phone, I am his... Colleague... My name is..' I tried hard to speak properly..


'Yeah it's me.' I felt euphoric after hearing my name from his mouth, it's been days he called me by my name.

'New, we are getting late come on hurry up...'

Someone shouted inside the phone, my caller said 'coming'

'Please don't hang up' I begged.

I don't know what's going on, but I got to hear the laugh, the soft voice, I don't wanna lose it. Not yet.

'Oh come on, hang up the phone New,' Someone insisted


'Give me the phone.'

'Listen Dew, we have to go now or New will miss the flight, see you tomorrow. Bye' some other guy spoke hurriedly.

And the line goes dead.


Who is New!

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