Hide and Seek

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'Umm New...' I called him in a low voice.

'Hmm?' He looked at me.

'Follow me in five minutes.'


'I am going to the back yard, meet me there in five minutes.'

'Hey, that's not possible!'

'I don't want to hear anything. Don't be late, I will be waiting.'

We were eating snacks. Mom brought so many of them. All of them are chatting happily. But I didn't get a chance to talk to Hin privately. I was trying to gain his attention for past half an hour but in vain. My dad devoted all his attention to him.

What the hell man! Leave him alone!

So as a last resort I threatened him.

He looked at me with begging eyes but I didn't pay him any attention.

'Ok guys, I have to make an important phone call, please excuse me for a moment.' I secretly gave a squeeze to his arm.

The weather outside is very pleasant, afternoon breeze is not hot or cold. The seasonal flowers of the garden fill the air with mild fragrance.

New came down the stairs hurriedly in four minutes.

'God Tay! What was that?'

'Well I need to talk to you and they were not giving me any chance.'

'Is this urgent? Huh?'

'I have something to say to you.'

'Ok what is it?' He impatiently tapped his feet.

'It's very important.' I looked down mysteriously.

'Is everything all right?' He asked with concern.

'Actually... 'I was taking my sweet time.

'What Tay? Tell me.' Now he is genuinely curious.

'The thing is...'

'Tay... Tell me please, you are scaring me.'

'Hin..' I wrapped him in my arms.

'Hmm?' He held me closely too.

'I love you... Soooo much.'


'That's the thing I wanted to say to you.'

'YOU!' He tried to get out of my grip.

'No,you should start your sentence with.... I.... Now continue..' I laughed at his anger.

'You are insane!' He pushed me hard.

'Just say what I want to hear. Come on...' I rubbed my nose in his cheek.

'I love you too you mad idiot! Happy?' He surrendered at last.

'Very much.' I hugged him tightly.

'Tay.. Let me go, they will be looking for me.' He placed his face in the crook of my neck.

'No, stay with me.' I inhaled his scent.

'New where are you?' Suddenly P shouted from afar.

'Shit! Tay let me go.' He panicked at P's voice.

'Then kiss me first.' I am not going to let him go that easily.

'No! They might see us!' He loosen his grip from my waist.

'Oh come on! We are boyfriends.'

'Please Tay, not now.' He didn't budge.

'Kiss me right here right now.' I dragged him inside the green house.

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