Who's coming?!

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It's been one week since New came back from the hospital. I took two weeks off from work and we spent all of our time together. His healing pace is slow but steady.

It's a Sunday night. He is sleeping right next to me but I am not sleepy at all.

I am in deep thought.

I have two situations at hand.

One is known and second one is.... Well...

Let's think about the known one first.

I still remember our argument over me joining the office.

We were watching a movie when Off called.

'Tay... Are you going to the office tomorrow?' He asked.

'No peng I am not available till the end of the next week.' I've told him that already.

'Actually it's quite busy these days. I am trying my best to handle everything but it will be of huge help if you can come too.'

'Sorry but I can't.' Hin was listening closely.

'Ummm ok... No issue, take your time.. I will call you later then.'

'yeah talk to you later.'

Right after I ended the call he spoke..

'Why you are not going to the office?'

'I am on leave.'

'I heard that but you should go there because Off is overwhelmed by the sheer number of projects.'

'I know but...' I am not going to leave you alone here.

'But what?'


'You worry too much. I am perfectly fine now. You can leave me alone here, it won't be a problem.'

'Not a chance.'

'Tay! The company is doing great but don't you think as a CEO you should take more responsibility than others?'

'I am not running from my responsibility, it's just I feel more responsible towards you than my company.'

New was silent for a minute then he suddenly climbed up to my lap. He sat there and hugged me tightly.

'New!' I didn't expect this at all.

'Thanks for loving me so much.' His muffled voice was hard to understand but I easily heard it.

'Thanks for loving me back.' I wrapped him in my arms.

'I think you should reconsider your decision. Off asked you to join the office means he really needs you.'

'And I think you shouldn't stay on my lap any more because this position is not good for your injuries.'

'So you want me to get up and go away?'

'If it was in my hands I won't let you move an inch but this is not about what I want it's about what's good for you.'

'Hmm... What's good for me....' He released me and stared at me intently.

No! don't give me those puppy eyes!

'Hin! We can't.' I knew what was he thinking.

'Tayyy....' He snaked his arms around my neck.

'You know very well why I am saying this!' He can't be serious!

I am not giving in.

'I don't wanna hear it anymore. I AM PERFECTLY FINE!' He almost shouted in my ears.

'Shhhh! Don't be stubborn. Shouting is not good for your wound.'

'Ahhhh!' He shoved me hard and got up instantly.

'This is not good for your health, that is not good for your health, don't do this, don't do that! I can't take it anymore. I am going back to my condo.' He picked up his phone and dialed.

Is he calling Dew!!

I snatched the phone from his hand and carefully pulled him in an embrace.

'Let me go.' He slapped on my hand.

'Listen, listen! I will do anything you want but just not that! You can't do any physical exertion right now. Please try to understand.'

'But I am....'

'Yes you feel fine, I know, but the doctor said your body is healing right now. Any kind of exertion will cause the wound tear again.'

'Then we will be cautious.'

'I won't risk it Hin, you know me that much.'


'Hin please. Let's not talk about it anymore.'

'Fine! Then when?' He asked finally gave up.

'In one month.' I said hesitantly, getting ready for another tantrum.

But he said nothing.

That's a relief.

'It's a torture.' He ran his fingers through his hair.

You have no idea!

I can understand his frustration, I am feeling the same thing but I have to do this for his own good.

'I don't like this arrangement, you are near me all the time but I can't touch you or...' He mumbled without looking at me.

This is so not Hin!

When comes to sex he is always the shy one.

What've gotten into him!

Not that I am complaining! It's nice to see this side of his.

'Babe please be patient.' I kissed his hair.


'What can I do to ease your frustration?' I'll do anything for you!

'I don't want anything else.' He rubbed his face on my shoulder.

My cute baby!

'Think of something, please.'

'Fine, but I don't think you will agree to do that.'

'I will! I promise. Tell me what do you want me to do?'

'Promise?' He held my face in his hands.

'Yes, promise.'

'Then from tomorrow go to the office.'


'Look if you stay with me all the time I'll become more frustrated so why don't you rejoin the office?' He asked me with a pout.

'But... Hin...'

'You promised.'

'But I can't leave you here all by yourself!'

'Why not?'

'I just can't. ok?'

'As you wish. If you want to break your promise it's totally upto you.' He softly kissed my cheeks and went away.

Now what a dilemma!

I can't be a promise breaker!

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

P is calling.

'Hey P what's up?' I said absent mindedly.

She regularly called to check on New.

'Tay! Guess what!' She sounded excited.

'What P?'

'Mom dad is coming back.'

What now!!

'Who's coming?' I didn't catch that right I guess.

'Mom and Dad!'


After two years in abroad they are coming back to Thailand!

'Wow P that's great news!'

Now I an excited too!

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