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As expected the room was empty. New was in the bathroom.

'He is already taking bath, why don't you call him after sometime?' I asked.

'I want to speak to my brother right now! Barge in if you have to I don't care.' He is really persistent.

'Hin..' I knocked on the door.


'HIN...' I made my voice louder.


'Dew wants to talk to you.'

'He is here?'

'No he is on the line.'

'Ohh. Can.... Can he call back? I will be out in 5 mnts.'

'I already said that but he is not listening.'

'Oh! Ok... one minute.'

After 2 mnts the door opened. He is wrapped in a bathrobe. Water is dropping from his hair.

'Give me.'

'Huh?' I was mesmerized by those tiny droplets clinging to his hair.

'The phone?' He wasn't making eye contact with me.

'Yeah... here.' I handed over the phone.

'Thanks.' He closed the door.

I've waited for 5mnts before the door open again.

'Here I finished talking.' He extends the phone.

'Do you need any help?' I asked already knowing the answer.

'No it's ok, I can manage.' He said hurriedly.

He is acting weird.

'Ok.' I left the room.

After almost 10mnts I heard him opening the closet.

That brat!

I've already kept his clean clothes on the bed! What is he doing in the closet!

I went to the bedroom only to find out that he is wearing a loose tee and struggling with his sweat pants.

'Just what are you trying to do?' I am really clueless.

'Oh Tay! Help me put on this pants. I can't get in with only one hand.'

And Hin is back!

'So it's ok now if I help you? You refused it when I asked earlier.'

'Oh! just help, my legs are killing me.' He is sweating.

'Hmm idiot. Why didn't you listen to me earlier? I even offered help in bathing.' I helped him to get inside those baggy pants.

'I didn't take your help there because I don't want to torture you with my sexiness in the bathroom. What if you couldn't handle it?' He winked.

'You! Stop blabbering nonsense! I was worried sick that you may fall onto the wet floor.'

'Sure sure whatever you say.' He laughed.

Maybe I was imagining everything. He is not acting weird, not at all!

'Are you ok?' I run my hand on his arm.

'I am, really.' He smiled.

'Why are you wearing this big t- shirt?'

'I am feeling a bit hot today. Guess it's humid outside. It's comfortable.'

'Hmm.. Now sit down. I am gonna bring the food.'

'Yes please I am super hungry.' He rubbed his belly but winced.

'Sit quietly.' He is the master of overacting.


I brought our plates of food in the bedroom and started to eat peacefully.

After finishing his plate I noticed he was eying mine.

'Want more?' I offered.

'Ummm... Yeah it's yummy. I'll just have one more.'

He must be starving! My baby!

'Take two if you want I am not that hungry.' I wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue.

'Why? Were you having buffet lunch when I was away?' He smirked.

'Yes, I was partying.' I nodded.

'Wow! lier lier pants on fire! You were crying your eyes out. Don't you think I know?' He pouts.

' You know nothing. Stop talking and start eating. We're going to the hospital after that.' I am shy!



'I love you.'

My head snapped up at this declaration.

'I don't tell you often but I love you very much. I really do.'

'I know Hin. And you already know how much I love you.' My heart is jumping in my chest.

He slowly lean in and I met him in the middle.

We kissed.

I softly kissed him because his lips have cuts, and I know slightest pressure will cause him pain.

'Tay... Kiss me properly.' He whined.

'Later baby, for now only peck.'

'You are mean.' He squinted his eyes.

'If you say so.' I didn't bother.

'Tay...' He pouts.

'Let's go to the hospital. Everyone is waiting there. Don't you wanna meet Dew?' I tried to divert his attention.

'Oh! Yes! Let's go. Earth is ok?' Mission successful.

'Yeah he is fine. By the way you need to answer many questions to me. So prepare youself beforehand.' I threatened.

He smiled sheepishly.

When we get on the road Hin was wincing continuously. After I asked he said his hand is hurting a little.

But I think that is not entirely true.

Anyway, to divert him from his pain I asked,

'1st question- how did you find out about me and Dew?'

'Because of you.'

'What! What did I do?'

'You are a bad lier. You lied about Off and I found out next day just by questioning him, besides you gave me your laptop with the pendrive inserted. How naive.' He shook his head with a smile on his face.'

'Whatever.' I feel super embarrassed.

'2nd question- did you make plans with Earth? Or else how you two met at the airport?'

Now this I seriously want to know. Him and Earth I don't like the combination.

'No. That was pure coincidence. We met at the baggage claim. We talked and I confronted him. He is a softy you know. He told me everything, including about you two. Though I already knew that.'

'Softy? What do you mean?' I don't like the tone.

'He just indulge me in everything. He always give in to me.'

'What kind of indulgence?' Now I am getting anxious.

'Well between Dew and me he always choose me. Even in a serious fight he sides with me.'

'But he is Dew's friend!'

'Exactly!' He smiled broadly.

What kind of friend is he! A lousy one I guess.

'What? No more 100 questions?' Hin tapped my shoulder.

'Later.' I am not in the mood.

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