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That night after returning home, I went to bed in a confused state of mind.

Mew is Dew.

Not Mafia, a well known Architect.

A Good person.

Above all he saved my life that day without caring for his own.

He knows that man has a gun and he saw earlier that he was upto no good, still he helped a stranger without hesitation.

How can anyone be so selfless!

Mew.... No Dew.... Ah hell

He was right. what's in a name!

Let's call him Dew! I don't care

That night I had a nightmare. In my nightmare I went back to that scene when I first met Dew. But this time I was a mere spectator. I saw him walking towards the man who was trying to grope someone. Dew tried to help but the vicious man pulled out a gun and shoot, hitting him in the chest.

I wake up with a scream. My whole body shaking and I was sweating profusely. It took some time to remember that I was at home and Dew was ok. Nothing bad has happened.

Oh God! I don't even know him that well for fuck's sake! And here I am thinking about him day and night!

Next day I was late for my job. The whole floor was concerned for me because I am always very strict with punctuality.

And because I was late my whole schedule got scrambled.

'Peng come on, it's lunchtime'. It's almost 1 pm when Off came knocking on the door.

'You go ahead I am busy'. I said absent mindedly.

In the afternoon P'Mild called, she gushed about her upcoming line of clothes that going to showcase in the Milan Fashion Week. She sounded very happy.

'So for how long you will be gone?'

'Why ? will you miss me?'

'Hmmm very much'

'Awww me too. It's gonna be over a month because I am thinking that I will go visit mom dad in Spain and stay with them some time.'

'Why?' I was instantly suspicious.



'He likes me too... Yeeeeehhhh'

I have held my phone away from my ear because she was screaming.

'P.. You will destroy my eardrums!' I was happy for her.

'I am telling you first, and I will tell mom dad when we meet'.

'Are you sure P? Telling mom dad?'

'Tay.... I've found my true love.' She sounded real happy.

'I am happy for you sis. So is it early honeymoon?'

'Oh no no, he is not coming with me.' She said laughing.

'Auuw, then?'

'He has his work na, so we promised to call and video chat everyday, one month is not that long', she signed deeply.

'You are really serious about him.' I can tell from her voice.

'Yes Tay really, let's meet after my return.'

When I finished my pending works it was very late. Off already left because he had a client meet, so only me left in the whole office.

I was walking through the deserted building when suddenly the similarity between tonight and 'that' night came into my mind. I felt a sharp pang in my chest.

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