P and Dew

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I locked the room from inside and quickly get dressed. I don't know what's going on outside but I can hear muffled sound of laughter and conversation.

It's 9am already, if I am going to attend the meeting, I have to start now or the morning traffic of Bangkok won't let me reach the office in time.

A light knock on the door and I hurriedly open it.

'Are they gone?'

'Shh.. No. But they are in the study busy watching my designs. You can go unnoticed.'


I grabbed my phone and wallet, kissed him and went straight for the main door.

I let out a sigh of relief when reached my car.

That was close!

After office I went straight to home because mom was constantly calling me.

'Mom, please, I said that I am coming! Why are you so excited?'

'Just come quickly, I have good news.' She laughed.

When I reached home, everyone was there.

'Hi what's going on?'

'Tay.. Dew proposes to Mild.' Mom was beaming with joy.

P looked real content.

'Congratulation P!' I hugged her.

'Oh Tay... Thank you.' She teared up.

'Are you happy?' I asked her in a low voice.

'Soooo much Tay. This is an incredible feeling.' She tightened her hug.

'I am so happy for you two. That moron finally did it!' I whispered.

P laughed heartily.

'Milo come here, look at this.' Dad called P.

Dew was talking happily to New. I went to meet him.

'Congrats you bastard! Finally you manage to propose huh?' I hugged him.

'Thanks and yes, finally!' He smiled.

'Dew come here!' P shouted.

'Excuse me.' Dew was gone in a flash.

'Hi baby.' New smiled softly.

'Hi love.' I took his hand in mine.

'How was your day?'

'Hectic. Meeting after meeting. I am really tired you know.' I was super busy today.

'Sorry I couldn't join today. Ma asked me to shop with her, so we went to the mall.'

'Did you enjoy there?'

'Hmmm very much, we shopped, we ate lunch and seen a movie.' He looks real happy.

'Hmm sounds like a perfect date.'

'Ha ha it was perfect.'

'I am happy if you're.'

'I am happy. Actually I didn't get a chance to do all this with my mom you know, she is a busy person.' He was smiling but I can see the tinge of sadness in his doe eyes.

'Love...' I tugged him towards me.

'P and Dew look really happy.' He smiled at them fondly.

'They are.' I want to hug him kiss him but with so many witnesses I can't do that.

'Do you think they will live happily ever after?' He stared at me with those beautiful eyes.

'If they love each other the way we do then yes, they will live happily ever after.' I smiled at him.

His eyes lit up with delight.

'They are perfect for each other.'

'Yes. Two crazy person madly in love.' I laughed.

'Tay!' He slapped me on the back.

'Let's get out of here.' I suggested.

'No! Everyone is here!' He declined my offer.

'That's why we need to get out of here. It would be rude if I kiss you in front of everybody, don't you think?' I playfully touch his lower back.

'Stop fooling around!' He looked shocked.

'Then come with me.'

'No.' He started to walk towards the gathering.

'Hey you two! Come here, come here.' My dad already captured New and waved his hand at me.

'Coming dad!' I gave up.

'Look at the ring Dew selected for Milo. It's beautiful. Don't you think?' Mom showed us the ring.

'It's really pretty.' New complimented without hesitation.

'Yes it's really nice mom.' I also joined him.

'Dew has a great choice.' P was almost jumping in excitement.

'Indeed.' New said with a smile.

'You choose it, right?' I whispered to him.

'Stop talking.' He elbowed me.

I know I am right. Because the ring that Dew showed us earlier was not this one. The previous one was hedious.

After dinner we gathered near the tv set. P is going to show us their vacation photos.

Dad and I seated side by side on the couch whereas mom occupied the seat beside him. New is helping P and Dew to set up the tv, connecting the phone.

'Our Milo is real lucky.' Dad said to mom.

'Yes, I am so happy today.' Mom was tearing up again.

'Dew is the one who is lucky to have P.' I interfered.

'Oh! Please Tay, did you forget your P's endless love affairs? She used to fall in love the way leaves fallen from trees.' Mom snickered.

'Ha ha so true. I am so happy that she at last found her true love.' Dad sighed.

'How is it going for you two?' He suddenly asked me.

'Us? We are fine.' I answered confusedly.

'Hmm'. He sighed again.

'Why are you acting disappointed?' I couldn't hold myself from asking this time.

'Well not disappointed. I am just thinking when you are going to find your true love.' He replied.

'What are you talking about! He is right in front of you!' I pointed towards Hin.

'New is your true love?' Dad asked with a shocking expression.

'Why are you shocked? I already told you he is my boyfriend. He told you that he loves me. What's more is there to say or do?' I don't understand his expression.

'Why are you two fighting here?' Mom intervened.

'Dad has become mad.' I said totally annoyed.

'Hey, I am just asking because in today's age anyone can become boyfriend or girlfriend but true love is something else. It's a promise for lifetime.' He said quietly.

'And you think we are just fooling around, not serious about each other?' I now started to understand him.

'Listen Tay, maybe you think him as your true love but did he tell you that ever?' He asked patiently.

Mom was also listening our conversation curiously.

'No he didn't say anything.' I agreed.

'That's what I am asking.' Dad concluded.

Ok so you want proof of his love for me! You think he is not serious! He risked his life so many times for me! But I can't say that to you. Because I don't love him out of gratitude! I love him because it's him!

But I won't let anyone insult your love for me Hin! I know dad is saying this out of concern for his son but today I will show them who is your true love!

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