😘I like you😳

833 55 1

'Why're you gonna sleep on the couch?' New asked tilted his head.

'You are my guest, you can't sleep on the couch. As a host I won't allow it.' I said taking one pillow and started fluffing it.

'Why would I sleep on the couch!' New said grimly.

'I am not gonna sleep on the couch, you are not going to sleep there, then where do we gonna sleep?' I asked frustrated.

Just take the bed already.

'This bed is big enough for both of us.' New said pointing at my king size bed.


'Yes it is but I think...' I was raking my brain to come up with a solid excuse.

'Which side do you prefer?' He said already climbing up.


'Oh come on take a side and sleep, it's already late,' New said impatiently.

'You are so bossy' I said grudgingly but on the inside my heart was doing high jump.

'Just sleep already', New rolled his eyes.

How can I sleep when you are here with me just by few inches apart.

'Good night Tay,'

'Good night New'

My senses are super aware that New is sleeping beside me. I tried my best not to move much or make a sound. Seems like he already fell asleep. I turned to face him and immediately regret my action. He was lying on his side. His face was just in front of me.

I stared at him. The garden light seeping through the curtain created an aura around his face.

Am I dreaming? I dream about him frequently so it won't be a surprise if it really was. Will he be here after I wake up?

I carefully placed my fingers on his palm and grip it loosely.

Good night Hin. Please be here when I wake up.

'I am leaving.'

'You said you'll stay.'


'What sorry! You can't go back on your words.'

'Goodbye Tay...'

'No.... Hey listen... Noooo Hin


'Hey...its ok..its ok.'

I wake up with a jolt, my heart beating to fast like I just came back from a marathon.

'calm down..... Look at me... Here..'

I looked up and saw New. I am in his arms, all sweaty and shaking uncontrollably.

'New' I croaked.

'Yes, I am here.' He tightened his arms around me.

'You left me!' I remember.

'No I didn't'

'You are not here right? I am dreaming! You left and I....'

'You were dreaming but not now.' New run his fingers through my hair.

I slowly regain my senses.

I am not dreaming.

I just had a horrific nightmare that New is leaving.

But he is here, hugging me and rocking me slowly. My face is pressed against his broad chest. He is cradling me like a baby.

I know I should pull myself out from his embrace and start apologizing but I don't wanna let go.

'Sorry I wake you up' I mumbled against his chest inhaling his scent.

'You made me worried. You were shaking and shouting.'

'Yeah I just had a nightmare. Don't worry it's nothing new.'

'Do you wanna have some water?' He started to pull out.

We are in a intimate position.

I sighed and pull my head back wanting to give him some space. I was almost on his lap.

'I don't need water, sorry for disturbing your sleep.' I feel embarrassed.




'Why are you saying sorry? I should be.....'

'Sorry for causing you nightmare.'

'You... didn't do...'

'you were shouting my name.' He said quietly.


'I was?'


We both were lying on our back looking at the ceiling.

'I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye to you that day. I regret it till today.' New suddenly said.

'The situation got out of hand you know, Dew stormed out, Mom was having chest pain, Dad was dragging me saying we have to go back immediately, everything was in utter chaos, my brain had stopped working. I found out in the flight that my phone was missing.' He sighed.

'I don't have my laptop with me, I was literally empty handed. Next day when dad told me about Dew's accident I was a mess. But my mom's condition worsened. She had to get admitted in the hospital.'

Oh! So much happened to him in such a short time.

'After mom's recovery I tried to get back here but dad always delayed it by saying this and that. Finally I assured him that I am going to Korea on a business trip. Fortunately he agreed. There Earth helped me a lot.'

'Who is Earth?' I asked.

I know he is Dew's friend but is he close to New as well? I felt uneasy.

'Earth is Dew's best friend, I already told you about him. We are particularly not that close but he always been there for me whenever Dew caused any trouble.'

Hmm not that close... Ok...

'That's the reason I couldn't contact any of you. Please accept my apology.'



'Don't get mad ok?'

'Why will I be mad?'


I should tell him that....I love him

No no don't say Love! I like him. Yes I should tell him that I like him.

'New... I...'

'You always talk and talk and talk, what happened now? Huh?'

You are not helping!

'I just you know.... Want to say...I...'

Or should I wait? It's too early. He said himself that he sees me as a friend. I don't wanna jeopardize our friendship.

'What? Tell me.' New said turning his head and looked at me.


'Oh god Tay!' New sit up abruptly.

'Is it that hard? Huh?'

What is he talking about?

'New... What.... hard?'

'I like you..... Is it that hard for you to say?'

Huh! Oh! What!

I also sit up hurriedly.

'You are such a baby! Fine don't say it. I'll say instead.

'I LIKE YOU Tay. I like you very much.

Now go back to sleep. Stop having nightmare, have a sweet dream.... about me.'

New lie down facing the wall.

What just happened!!!

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