😟Hesitation 😞

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One week has passed since we became boyfriends. New has joined our company and now we work together.

We spend every waking hour together either in the office or in my house. I am banned from his house because as per New it's dangerous. Last time we almost got caught in his condo when Dew made a sudden appearance. We are keeping our relationship secret only Off knows about it.

Today after our work was done we came to my house and spending quality time together.

New was very busy for the whole day because of a new project so we didn't see each other that much.

'What do you want to eat for dinner today?' I asked enthusiastically after we reached home.

'Anything will do.' He said looking tired.

'You go take a shower first, I will take care of the food.' I pushed him towards my bedroom.

'Just order in today. You are tired too.' He said before entering the bathroom.

'I like to cook for you.' I ruffled his hair and handed over the towel.

'Ok but don't go overboard keep in short and simple.'

'On a second thought I think I'll just gonna order in. You are right, I am tired too.' I faked a yawn.

'See! I told you.' He was about to close the door, I grabbed his arm.

'What?' He was confused.

'Mind if I join you, I also wanna take a bath to get rid of my tiredness.' I smirked at him.

'Are you crazy! Shooo! Go away.' His surprised face was so funny.

'Pleasssse.' I batted my eyelashes.

'Tay, I will beat you up if you don't stop.' He was all red.

'you are mean!' I said with a pout.

'Yes I am!' He slammed the door and shout from inside.

I sighed.

It was my idea to take things slow after all!

I didn't say that because I was unsure or anything, I said that because New was worried about his brother. I thought first I'll deal with him then New can be stress free and we will enjoy our relationship to the fullest.

No more hiding.

Secret romance has it's charm I admit but it's also stressful. It can complicate situations badly. Like yesterday one of my client was openly flirting with me in the presence of New. He remained calm but his eyes became cloudy. I couldn't do anything about it only politely brushed off the advances.

But if I can say out loud that I am committed and this is my boyfriend things would be better.

I have to do something. I am going to talk to Dew.

After dinner we cuddled on the couch in front of the tv. It's our happy time. We kiss, we talk, we bicker, sometimes we make out. But every night he has to go back to his condo or else Dew started to call non-stop.

Ahhhhhh!! Let him be!!!! He is with me!!!! What bad can happen to him when he is with me!!!

But I suppressed my emotions and bid him goodbye every night.

I hate this arrangement!

'Why are you so quite?' New was resting his head on my lap and playing on his phone.

'I was thinking about us. When are we going to tell Dew?'

'Dew?' He jumped up hastily.

'Hin! Why do you act this way whenever I breach this subject? I want to make our relationship official. But how can I do that if you keep it a secret from Dew.'

He tensed up instantly.

'I think we should wait for some more time' he said in a small voice looking at the ground.

'Babe please.' I touched his cheek and make him look up.

'I don't like to be in a situation like yesterday again. That man was openly flirting with me. Do you think I was enjoying the attention? My whole concentration was on you. I saw your agitation. You can hide your emotions from everyone but not from your boyfriend. If we are official then I can avoid it.' I tried my best to make him understand my feelings.

'Ok.' He mumbled.

'Huh?' I can't believe I heard that right.

'We will talk to him.' He said a bit louder.

'Really?' I checked again.

'Hmmm.' He replied shortly.

'Ohhhh! Hin!' I hugged him tightly.

'Thank you.' I am really happy that he finally gave his consent.

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