🐂Taking the Bull by the Horns👿

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'Don't worry, everything is gonna be fine.' I squeezed his hand lightly. Today we are going to tell Dew about our relationship.

We spend another one week debating about how to tell that stubborn brat about us. New wasn't happy about any method I proposed. It was really frustrating.

Then after one week when we decided to talk to Dew he was out of country.

'He has gone to Korea to meet Earth. They are planning some new business expansions in Thailand.' New said with a sigh looking relieved.

'Don't get too relaxed, we are going to talk to him the moment he comes back.' I pinched his cheek softly.

'Sure sure.' He said casually.

After almost two months Dew came back from Korea. Mild was with him for the last one month.

Hmmm You can fly to korea to meet your boyfriend but can't visit me in the same city!

On the other hand New was restless for someday.

'You don't understand the gravity of the situation!' He always said whenever I joked about it.

'I can handle him, believe me.' I am confident enough.

'He doesn't think straight when mad. It can be very scary.' New warned me.

'You think too much. Tell me something. Will you leave me if he refuses to accept us?'

'Of course not!' He said firmly.

'That's settled the matter then. He will understand, dont worry.' I brushed off his worries.

So now we are going to meet Dew. I am excited and nervous. Ahh it's mixed feelings.

New said it will be safer if we meet in private. Public places won't be good for us if Dew gone berserk.

So we are going to have dinner at their condo. New already informed Dew that he will bring a friend.

'Hin please, you are way too much stressed. Let me talk to him. I promise I will keep my calm.' I hate to see him this agitated.

'Just drive. I don't wanna be late. It won't be a good impression on him.' New was fidgety.

My calm and cool boyfriend is on a break today.

'You are late.' The first thing Dew said after opening the door.

'Yeah the traffic was heavy.' New said scratching his head.

'What's this! Why is he here?' Dew looked at me like I am some nasty insect.

'I've already told you that I am going to bring a friend.' He arched an eyebrow.

'Friend!' Dew snickered. 'Whatever! Come on in, we are hungry already.'

'We?' New said in confusion.


A tall dark and handsome man appered from nowhere and wrapped his huge arms around my Hin.

'Oh my god Earth!' New was all smiles.

'I was waiting for you. Come on. Today I cooked for you. Your favourite chicken basil rice with fried eggs.'

Hah! Favorite my foot! His fav food is ice cream!

I scoffed loudly at this wrong information.

All eyes fall on me. Dew was angry, Earth was confused and New was.... well New was not happy.

'Ummm... Ahhh....ahh... It's ok now. My throat is dry so I am coughing now and then', I tried to redeem myself in Hin's eyes.

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