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'I am not impatient.' Off said grudgingly.

'Then why did you call Namtan?'

We are inside Off's car. Dew called earlier and invited us to dine with them. We are heading towards his condo.

'I called her because I don't like to be in dark. Those twins are making me crazy.'

'Then wait for them to clarify things, why were you shouting at Numtan?'

'I wasn't shouting I was just talking' Off said looking guilty.

'Yeah yeah.' He was screaming like hell at her!

It took half an hour to reach Dew's condo. When I got out of the car saw someone approaching us.

'Hi Tay, hi Off'

It was New.

'Ummm Hi....' Off said looking intently at him.

'It's New.' He was smiling kindly at Off.

Seriously what's wrong with Off. Anyone can see that he is New. Dew doesn't smile that way.

'Hi New' I said smiling.

'Thanks for coming, I talked to Dew and he said I can tell you two everything. So can we talk?'

'Damn New, you even have to ask? I am dying to know everything. I almost picked a fight with Namtan'. Off said huffing.

'P'Nam doesn't know that much.' New said scratching his neck.

'I am hungry' I tried to reduce the tension.

'Oh so sorry! Yeah please come in.'

Dew's condo is huge. A perfect example of balance. The interior is simple yet elegant.

'Hello guys, welcome to our humble abode. I don't like you two but hope we get along just fine,'

Dew said spreading his arms with a smirk on his face.

'Now I also can see the differences.' Off whispered but New who was standing right next to us heard it.

'There are plenty. But the main difference is he is an asshole', New whispered back with a low chuckle and headed towards his brother.

We stifled a laugh.

'Now I remember why I liked him so much' Off said in a low voice, smiling.

Yes New is really something.

We all gathered around to the kitchen counter where the two brothers were cooking. We were chatting about anything and everything. We talked about business, project, weather, politics. Everything but the main reason why we are here.

Let them speak first, after all it's their tale to tell.

'Wow! This chicken is so good,' Off was munching with his eyes closed.

'Thank you Jumpool, it's good to see you enjoying, otherwise you either shouting or planning evil things.' Dew said with a smirk.

'You are the one to speak! You even threatened us!'

'Hmmm...guilty as charged.' Dew said with his mouth full.

This whole time New didn't say anything. He was eating peacefully and peeked at me now and then.

Well I was doing the same.

After dinner we all sat on the sofa with ice cream.

'Tell us everything'. Off started the conversation.

'New you start, it was you who insisted to tell them anyway.' Dew said shrugging.

'Yeah, sure.'

'Let me introduce us properly then. I am New Tithipoom and this is my brother Dew. As you can see we are twins. Dew is 4 minutes older than me.' New stopped for a sec.

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