Great choice!

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'I got it.' Mom shouted from the living room.


Both P and I exclaimed in shock together.

'Hi! You are.....'

'Hello Ma'am I am New.'

Before we reach the door they've already met.

'New! Oh!' Mom was as surprised as we are shocked.

'Who's there?' Suddenly Dad came out from the room.

But before anyone can say anything dad exclaimed in surprise.

'You! Lover boy!'

Oh no! Dad should not be this hostile!

'Mr. Romantic!' New exclaimed in equal bewilderment.

What now!!

The old stern faced dad becomes bright smiled dad in one nano second.

'Hey! You also remembered me! Great! But what are you doing here!' Dad walked past us to greet him.

'Umm... I am here for Tay..' New was smiling too.


'Come on in please! Oh god! I thought I would not get to see you again ever!' He grabbed New's hand and literally dragged him towards the living room.

'Soo you are Tay's dad!' New said after settling down on the couch.

'Yes! This is my son Tay I told you about.' Dad is visibly excited.

'I see! What a coincidence.' New looked up at me with an amused expression.

'And how do you know Tay! I am really surprised to see you here. Do you work with him?'

'Actually.... Ummm..'

'Oh right! before I forget again, what's your name? I tried hard to find you but not knowing your name makes it very hard for me.' Dad laughed.

'What's going on Dad?' I finally able to speak but still in a trance.

Is my brain making this up!!

'You tell me! How do you know him?' Dad charged me with a huge smile.

'Honey I don't understand! Do you know him?' Mom asked him somewhat hesitantly.

'Do you remember my Brazil tour 7 years ago where a famous Japanese company held an auction to raise money for helping the ngo who were working with children education?' Dad was speaking animatedly.

'Yes of course. You still talks about that how you lost the bid on that famous Emerald to a young boy!'

'Exactly! That young boy is sitting right in front of you!'

'Oh! This is he??' Mom is excited too.

'PLEASE EXPLAIN! WHAT'S GOING ON!' P shouted seriously.

'Milo! Stop shouting!' Dad scolded her.

'Sit there and I'll explain.'

I was staring continuously at New but he was engaged in conversation with my father this whole time.

'7 years ago I met him in Brazil where a Japanese company held an auction to raise money for development of uneducated children in rural areas of the country. We both bids for the famous Brazilian Bahia Emerald shards. Boy that beauty was something else. It was also rumors that it brings good lucks. I really wanted to give that to your mother. This boy on the other hand was on an whole new level of determination to also win that piece. We fight for it for long time that night, remember?' Dad stopped talking and patted New on the shoulder.

'I remember.' New smiled shyly.

'In the end he wins. That day I felt if you want something so passionately you should have it. I just loved his determination.'

'I win because you stepped down. You let me win.'

'Well I overheard your conversation with your friend. You wasn't buying it for you. You was reserving it for your true love. God! That much love only deserves the best things of the world.'

'Thanks for letting me have it.'

'Nonsense! You win it fair and square.'

New just smiled.

'After the auction I addressed him as Lover Boy, because he registered himself on that name and after he heard I wanted to buy it for my wife he was ready to give it to me. But I already found a rare diamond so wasn't interested in that anymore. He called me Mr. Romantic. Ha ha. We talked for hour that day, mostly about myself, but still forget to ask his name.' Dad laughed heartily.

'Well that pink diamond was very special too.' New replied.

'So now tell me lover boy! Do you found your true love?' Dad is so curious.

'Ummm yeah I have.' New scratched his neck uneasily and stole a glance at me.

My heart swell in love. Gun has already told me about this but hearing it from my dad I just can't suppress my delight.

'Really! That's great! But do you know why I was searching for you this seven years? I wanted you to meet my daughter. After all who doesn't want a gem for their daughters right? Ha ha! He'll make a great son-in-law.'

I am speechless!!

'You wanted me to meet P mild?' New chuckled.

Yeah sure! What were you thinking dad!

'Ahh you are younger than her! Right! I didn't know that.' Dad looks guilty.

'Only by a year.' He replied.

Seriously! My rival was going to be P Mild!

P was listening everything intently. After hearing dad's matchmaking scheme she burst with laughter.

'You were scheming my marriage behind my back!'

'Not marriage! Just I wanted to introduce you two.'

'You don't even know his name!'

'I saw the real him, it took me only one look to know him. I found him attractive, caring and very mature.'

'Mark your words!' I grabbed the opportunity instantly.

'What?' Dad looked confused.

'You said you like him.'

'Of course.'

'You said you wanted him as your son in law.'


'This is New Tithipoom. My boyfriend.' I proudly present him.



' Your BOYFRIEND??!!'

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