Secret love

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Emily's POV

Niall and I end up spending the night in his room. I look at him while he sleeps, he looks perfect. I wonder if he watched me sleep last night. I wake him up, and we sit there just talking. He says to me " I love you angel, but we have to make it look like we've broken up until I can change managements mind. " I start getting teary-eyed and he notices. He kisses my forehead saying "shhh angel don't cry I love you more then anything else in the world. If I only liked you I would have listened to management. So please angel no crying. " I smile as I get my composure. He says to me that paparazzi will be waiting out side to see me heart broken. I say to him why don't we "break up" in the lobby to give them a show. He agrees. We kiss for fear of what will happen, and he says to me " angel ill meet you at your room, around 10:45 I promise." He smiles and we head down to the lobby.

Once we get down there, we see paparazzi undercover. I smile at Niall and he smiles back. He takes my hands, looks me in the eye, and says " my angel I love you with all my heart, but we can't be together at this time I'm sorry." I start crying and he starts crying and we both walk away, in opposite directions.

I head back to the hotel room. I see Alex and Harry are there in the main room. I just walk by them sobbing. I think they notice but don't ask. I just lay on my bed sobbing, as I hear TMZ talking about how Niall broke up with me, and how heart broken I was. TMZ stated " we thought this couple would last. Is there anything management has to do with it? Will Niall ever get his angel back?" I scream back " yes! Yes he will! I fall asleep around 9:30, but I was woken up by Niall. Niall looks at me I can see he's been crying, and he probably can tell I was crying. I look at him and start crying and he just hugs me. His warm arms around me, I never want to leave. I could spend an eternity in his arms. Why does management hate me? Why do they want me to be broken? I look at Niall, he's sobbing too. I love him way to much to loose him like this. I will never loose him.

We fall asleep again, Niall is still holding me like he was when we were crying. I wake him up, and he just looks at me and smiles. He says to me " my perfect angel, please don't ever walk away like that again" I smile to him and say "wouldn't dream of it" he kisses my forehead. We lay there like that, just listening to each other breathing. I turn to him to break the silence and say "how long are we going to stay a secret?" He says "not long, I have to make sure everyone knows about my angel!" I laugh.

Then all of a sudden his phone rings, he shushes me with a kiss, and I giggle softly. He answers and says " hello? Oh it's you, stop calling me! I don't like you. No we can't. I told you I already love someone! And it's hard because we can't be together! I don't care what you think! She is not, she is perfect! You dare say something like that?!?! If your threatening, you can meet her!!! Your just a wuss! You can't do shit! Leave me the fuck alone!!! " then he hangs up and rubs his eyes. I ask who it was. He says to me "angel that was Taylor swift for the 40th time asking me out. She says stuff about you that I can't Handel, I can't do anything about it! It hurts me." I look at him and smile, "I have an Idea" then I ask , does she threaten to beat me down? He nods. I say "well she is gonna have to meet me then,and I'm going to settle this with her." He looks at me and smiles. He says " that's my girl, no one is as strong as you. And by the way can I watch?" I smile and say "of corse you can" then he texts Taylor swift and says "meet me at my hotel room I have a surprise ;)" Nothing will ever stand in my way of Niall, nothing. I will make sure Taylor swift never talks to Niall again, ever. She has no idea who she messed with.

Is Taylor swift in trouble?

Will management change their minds?

Will Niall and Emily get to be together?

More coming soon...



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