Decisions, decisions

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Chapter 25:

"Alright, I'll be home in about 2 hours...don't wait up, sweetie." My dad told me.

My dad ha to go back to the studio to record a few songs for his album with his band, while I stayed in the hotel by myself..

I like being alone lately..

It gave me time to think to myself...

"Alright, dad." I forced a smile.

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?" He asked worried.

I chuckled. "Yes dad, I'm positive."

He smiled at me. "Okay, I'll see you later, you can order room service if you'd like."

"Thanks, dad." I mimicked his action.

He gave me a light kiss on the top of my head, grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

I did the usual.

Sit there.

Stare at a wall.

Feel sorry for myself.

My little pity party was interrupted to my phone buzzing from besides me on the duvet.

I groaned and picked it up unlocking it in the process.

Someone mentioned me in a tweet.

It read:



I WONDER IF @Alex_Radke23 WILL BE THERE?! #BlackOrchids"

I decided I would reply, what harm would that do, right?

I replied:

"Sorry sweets, I'm not gonna make it tonight..sorry :("

Some after that tweet got a reply, but it wasn't from the same girl...

"Are you and Harry like done yet or what?"

I stared at it in disbelief, how can people be so insensitive?

I replied:

"Not at the moment...sorry :/"

Only 15 seconds passed and my phone was blowing up with mentions and retweets of my reply.

Things like:

"Hallelujah! Halex is over!"

"She doesn't deserve him"

"My man is finally free"

"She probably put a hex on him, freak."

Ouch, okay that one hurt.


I don't even care.

I'm obviously the bigger person here, they have no idea how I feel.

Harry broke MY heart. Not the other way around.

I'm done with twitter for the night. I told myself.

I sighed placing my phone back onto the bed and flipping through the channels trying to find a decent show.

Finally I settled on The Vampire Diaries, one of my favorite shows.

I jumped out of bed at the first commercial and ran into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of popcorn and ice cream for tonight.

After I was waiting for my popcorn I checked myself out in the mirror.

Oh my god. I look dead.

My make-ups smeared, I have bag underneath my eyes, my hair is a mess, and my eyes are also red and puffy.

I sighed and threw my hair up into a messy bun and cleaned up the lasting make-up that was on my face.

Good enough. I told myself.

Just then the microwave beeped signaling that the popcorn was done.

Pouring it into the bowl I grouted back to the bed and resumed my previous position sprawled out on the duvet.

Only a couple minutes passed, and my phone buzzed once again.

I picked it up swiftly as a familiar face showed up on screen.

Emily was calling me.

I smiled and answered it quickly.

"Hey sweet cheeks!" I greeted. "Missed me already I presume?" I joked.

I could hear cheers in the back ground but the other line was still silent.

I sat up from the bed, did she butt dial me or something..?

"Em? Hello, are you there?" I asked.

"You and your band is invited to go on your with us, consider it. I love you." I knew that voice all to well. I wanted to run, hide, and cry in a corner.

It was Harry.

His voice brought back all the old feelings from before. And tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

No. Harry is my past. I'm strong. Alexandria Marie Radke doesn't cry, because Alexandria is not weak.

Before I could even respond the line went dead signaling that he had hung up.

I threw the phone at the head board causing it to bounce back onto the bed.

Who the hell does he think he is?

Just then I get a call from my manager I answer it still baffled from the precious happening.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered.

"So when exactly were you going to tell me you were going on your with One Direction?" He asked annoyed.

"I-I..." Was all I was able to say before he cut me off.

"It's brilliant!" He cheered.

"What??" I shouted into the phone.

"Do you know how much publicity this will bring the band, Alex?" He asked.

"I don't care! There's no way in hell in touring with five idiots." I said sternly through my teeth. I didn't have a problem with Louis, Liam, Niall or Zayn..just Harry.

"Alex, I don't care. Your doing this and that's final." He told me. "Emily already agreed to all of this."

Emily agreed to this BS?!

"I don-"

"Quite frankly Alex, you don't have a say in this. Your going on your with One Direction and I don't want to hear another word about it. You leave for the tour tomorrow so be ready to leave early in the morning." He said before hanging up.

Tomorrow? But I just got here and I barely got to see my dad already and we are sharing the same hotel room.

Today has officially been the worst night of my existence..besides telling Harry that I no longer had feelings for him which was another lie.

I don't care.

I'm doing this for my fans.

Not Harry.

Not management.

Not Emily.

Not for myself.

But for my fans.

I breathed in deeply, I can do this. I told myself.


Is Emily and Alex's friendship still standing?

Will Alex make it through the tour with Harry?

Will 'Halex' ever get back together..?

To be continued...

-M x ^+^

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