He Knows...

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Zayn's POV

"I'll fucking end you!" I spat as shoved Harry against the wall.

"Oi! Zayn! What's going on?!" Liam shouted as he rushed over to where I held Harry against the wall.

"It's alright, Liam." Harry said calmly.

"How could you do that to Alex?! She's only 18 Harry and you ruined her life! It's all your fault! She shouldn't have to be going through this!" I yelled in his face.

Strong arms gripped my shoulders attempting to pull me away, but I was to angry I held Harry tightly.

"You don't understand!" He shook his head back and fourth.

"Enlighten me you little prick." I harshly whispered.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this..Alex was suppose to love me and only me, I just didn't want to share her...I knew she loved you and it killed me. I wasn't thinking, I thought if I did something in that way it would symbolize that she was mine and mine only." He whispered, tears threatened to spill.

I released him, pushing him in the process.

"Your kidding?!" Louis yelled from the other room.

"Lou, shut it!" I could hear Niall whisper.

"I have to tell him! He needs to know! He's my best mate!" Louis whisper/yelled.

I looked at Harry with wide eyes, if Louis was talking about what I think he was talking about I need to get Harry out of here. Like now.

"C'mon." I instructed as I pulled Harry out of the room and outside.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he pushed my hand away.

"HARRY? Harry! Harr-" Louis peeked his head out of the door, "Harry, there you are."

"Lou, don't." I warned, my fist clenched besides me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Louis hit the back of Harry's head.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked as he placed a hand to the back of his head.

"I'm talking about the live's you just ruined, Harry! You idiot!" Louis shouted.

"Live's?" Harry's brows scrunched in confusion.

"Lou, that's enough!" I yelled.

"Alex, and-" I shut Louis up by tackling him to the ground.

"What the fuck, Zayn?!" Louis yelled pushing me off of him.

"I said that's enough, lou." I hissed.

"What?? I'm not the one who got a girl pregnant!" Louis protested throwing his arms in the arm.

"W-What..?" Harry's face was pale white and held no emotion.

"Lou!" I shoved Louis for a second time.

"He has a right to know." Louis spat.

"Alex isn't...she can't be." Harry rubbed my eyes with his hand.

"Alex didn't want him to know you idiot!" I yelled at Louis.

"I have to see her." Harry turned around and ran to his car starting it and speeding off.


Harry's POV

I pulled into Alex and Emily's new flat and walked up to the door knocking cautiously.

It opened showing a tired looking Alex. She still looked stunning but different, very sexy.

"Alex.." I whispered.

"Go away." She was about to close the door but I stopped it by placing my hand on it above her head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as my voice cracked.

Her eyes grew wide, "W-What are you talking about?" She asked nervously.

"I know Alex..."

"How?" She whispered.

"Lou told me, I'm so sorry, Alex." I took a step towards her, she took a step back in fear.

"Oh, Alex, no...please. Don't, don't be scared of me..please." I pleaded.

"You hurt me, Harry." She said in a hush tone that broke my heart.

"I know, and you have no idea how sorry I am. You don't have to believe me but no matter what you or Emily say, I will be in this baby's life." I told her.

"Fine..but I still don't forgive you." She said through gritted teeth.

I smiled, "You look beautiful." I complimented.

"Harry," she sighed, "don't."

"What did you do to your hair?" I laughed pointing to the side of her head.

"It's a style, Harry." She protested.

(Alex's hair style on side bar)

"It's shaved." I chuckled. The other side of her head had beautiful black curls laying perfectly on her shoulders.

"It's cute." She pointed out.

"Whatever you say." I joked.

There was an awkward silence.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"No." She protested.

"Okay then." I huffed, "When's your next doctors appointment?" I asked.

"Two weeks." She told me.

"I'm going." I told her.

"What? N-No!"

"It's my baby too."

"Fine." She sighed.

"Goodbye, Alex." I smiled.

"Whatever." She slammed the door in my face.


Harry knows! Dafauq?!

How are Zayn and Alex going to be now? Will they ever be together..? :'(

Read/vote/favorite? Haha love youu guyyys!

-Myra. x

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