I Trust You

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Alex's POV

"Seriously Harry get out! I need to shower!" I yelled at him as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom smirking at me. It has been 1 week since the dinner and Harry has practically been attached to my hip trying to "gain my trust back" but this wasn't helping at all, he never left me alone.

"I can join you if you like." He smirked. We had just gotten back from a Black Orchids rehearsal and the boys decided to stay and watch. I was tired and sweaty and felt gross so of course I wanted to relax and take a shower but no, Harry Styles had to stand in my door way and mess with me.

"Harry." I warned. "Leave."

He stepped back with his hands in the air in defeat.

"Alright love tell me if you change your mind." He winked and placed a kiss on my cheek before closing the door. I locked it.

"What the hell?" I said under my breath. Harry was acting different, He was never this "playful" well not since the night we made it..official. 

I took a 15 minute shower and slipped on a pair of fresh panties and a bra. I wrapped the towel around my body and stuck my head out of the bathroom door as I looked around the room to see if Harry was any where in sight. To my relief he wasn't. I stepped out and walked towards my suitcase to pull out some pajamas. 

I dropped the towel leaving my in only my underwear and bra as I looked over my outfit choice. I slipped on my pajama shorts and Band shirt. 

"Beautiful." I jumped as I heard a deep husky voice come from the door. 

"HARRY!" I yelled as I hit him in the chest. "How long have you been watching?!"

"Long enough, babe." He winked.

I scoffed in disgust as I walked past him through the doorway, Harry hot on my heels.

"Are you ever going to go home?" I asked as he sat next to me on the couch in the living area of the hotel room.

"Nope." He said popping the "P"

I sighed dramatically throwing my head back onto the couch. "Why are you trying to hard, Harry?" I asked looking at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking confused at me.

"I mean, why is it SO important to gain my trust back?" I asked.

"Because, your very important to me Alex." He told me.

"Why?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because I love you and I want you to realize that I would do anything for you because of it." He said looking into my eyes seriously.

"You should hate me...due to all the things I have done to you." I told him as I reached for the remote on the coffee table. 

"oh yeah? Like what??" He laughed. 

"Oh were do I even begin?.." I trailed off. "I told you I hated you, I left you for 3 days without even a text or call, I flirted with guys in front of you, I sang "Pick up ur Phone" to you purposely, and I embarassed you infront of your friends." 

"You could never embarass me, you should be the one embarrassed of ME." He stated. 

"Why?" I asked, I felt as if my mind went blank as I stared into his beautiful green eyes. 

"Because I broke your heart, Alex...and I broke down your wall that you took so much time to build, I made you show true emotions and ruined it. And for that, I'm sorry." He said. 

We stared into each others eyes, "Harry.." I whispered.

"hmm?" He asked. 

"I-I...I think..." I trailed off looking at the ground.

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