Dress Shopping n' Party Games

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We all nodded and mumbled our "Yeahs" in response, we piled out of the car staring at the building in front of us.

"I feel out of place." I whispered to Zayn who stood beside me.

He chuckled, "How come?"

"It's very...bright here and I'm," I motioned down at my clothes. I was frequently sporting some black ripped skinnys with my famous black spiked combat boots with a band cropped T, while Emily was wearing a mid thigh blue sun dress with skulls/flowers that decorated while she was wearing matching boots as me.

"You'll be fine, you look beautiful as always." He smiled reassuringly.

"We'll see." I smiled, taking a deep breath and pushing the doors open revealing the elegant store and all the dresses.

"I feel out of place!" Emily whispered in my ear while laughing quietly, I chuckled along with her.

"You and me both.." I whispered back smiling.

"Race you to the dresses?" She asked taking my arm in hers.

"Your on." I smirked, tearing my arm from hers and running to the bridesmaid dresses in front of us.

Emily ran in front of me taking me by surprise and I stopped abruptly stepping on my shoe lace in the process sending me hurtling to the ground, I out stretched my hands so I wouldn't go head first.

"I'm okay! I'm okay." I repeated as I stood up, dusting myself off in the process.

Zayn rushed to my side before I could fully stand I could tell he was holding back laughter unlike Niall and Emily who were toppled over in hysteria laughing at me, I sent them a glare.

"Well you shouldn't have been running, Alex you wouldn't have fallen." He scolded biting his lip to hold back the laughter.

"I didn't fall, I was...testing the gravity. It works." I told him sarcastically pushing him aside and walking towards Emily and the dresses.

"Nice coverup." She smirked, I smacked her in the arm. "Ow!" She winced.

"That's for making me fall." I smirked.

"I thought you were "testing the gravity"." She laughed.

"Oh shut up." I pushed back dresses trying to find one that was suitable but of course I had no such luck.

"Find anything you liked yet?" Emily asked from the other side of the dress rack.

"Nope." I replied popping the 'P'

"Me neither...what about this one?" She asked, holding up a black strapless dress that was heart shaped on top, the bottom would come up to about mid thigh and the back was flowing and long. It was hour gorgeous.

"That's perfect! Hand it over." I told her out stretching my arm to grab the dress, he handed it to me and I practically ran to the dressing room, well fast walked I'd rather not fall on my face for a second time today.

Once I got to the room I locked the door and threw my clothes off pulling on the dress quickly. I closed my eyes before opening them slowly in front of the full length mirror.

"Wow.." I mouthed to myself, the dress was perfection but I couldn't help but from at my appearance. After getting all that hate from those crazy hormonal teen girls I, like many other people, would feel insecure.. and I do, and for that I'm ashamed.

"Are you done or what?" Emily shouted at me, "Get your ass out here already!" I could just see those snotty preppy old women's faces.

"I'm coming out!" I shouted before taking a deep breath and smoothing the dress a couple of times.

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