The future

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Niall's POV

For our date, I took Emily out to eat. We ate at a little restaurant, then I took her out to look at the stars. She fell asleep on the way back home. I carried her into the bus, and laid her down. I took a step back just to admire her. Louis gushed about how cute she looked, and how we are perfect together. I went to go change, and went back to lay next to her. She looked worried in her sleep, till she felt my warmth, and smiled then continued to snore. I laughed a little, and kissed her cheek. I whispered "I love you" in her ear softly. I fell into a deep sleep, still hearing Emily's snoring.

I wake up to Louis singing while he makes breakfast. He's singing what makes you beautiful, I laugh a little and get up to help out. Once we are done, everyone is up except Emily. Alex says "Niall! Go wake Emily's lazy ass up!" Then laughs to herself. I smile and nod. I walk to the bunk we share. I crawl up on top of her, and start to kiss her cheeks lightly. I put some off my weight on her, and start to kiss her harder. She wakes up and smiles, then kisses me back. We eat, and get ready to meet her dad.

We arrive at the arena and separate. Alex, Harry, and Alex's Dad all head to a room. I walk with Emily and her dad to a different room. Emily and Dahvie are talking about what he had said to Alex's dad, and things like that. I payed no attention, because it was none of my business. We sat down in a separate room. "Emily can you wait outside I need to talk to Niall alone please" Dahvie said with a eloquence to his voice. Emily nods, and sends me a warning look, as she excuses herself.

Dahvie's eyes follow her out the door. When she leaves, he fixates his gaze on me. "Niall please tell me, where do you see your relationship going?" I smile and say "honestly?" He nods. "I can see her and I growing old. I can see the wedding one day that we will share. I can see you walking her to me down the aisle. I can see her face when I ask her to be my wife. I can see the rest of my life with her." I smile as I finish. He looks at me with the biggest grin I've ever seen. "That is what I was hoping you would say. I can't wait to give her away to you, one thing." I smile and nod "you tell me before the proposal so I can be there ok?" I say "of corse, but it might not be for awhile." His smile fades as he asks me "have you slept with her?" "No! No never! I'm saving for marriage." His smile slowly comes back as I say it. He shakes my hand firmly "thank you boy, I can't wait to hear when you ahem pop the question" he smile gets bigger on the last part. We stand up, and say our goodbyes as Emily walks back into the room. "Can I come back in now?" Her dad, instead of answering engulfs her in a giant hug. We sit back down, as Emily talks to her dad about the problem she had just a few weeks ago. I don't like to think about it, it makes me realize how I almost lost her. How I almost lost everything I've ever wanted.

They finish their conversation, and say their goodbyes. Dahvie hugs Emily, and kisses her cheek saying "how he doesn't want to hear about these problems again,and if they do happen he's only a call away." He turns to me, and shakes my hand saying "take care of my baby." Then he leaves. We walk out, and notice that Harry,Alex, and her dad are still in the room. We just walk back to the bus to get settled for bed. We change and make some popped corn to eat. We play a quick game of Mario Cart, of corse she kicks my ass. We get ready for bed, as we are shutting the curtain we hear Harry and Alex come in, but don't pay attention. I kiss her goodnight, and say I love her. She starts to snore, as I start to drift to sleep dreaming about the wedding. The wedding of my beautiful angel and I together forever, her and I, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. Emily and I together forever.

Does Niall plan to propose?

What did Ronnie say about Alex?

Can Harry and Alex be together, without having it be forbidden?

How will this all end?

More coming soon!



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