The Ring

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*The Day Before*

Niall's POV

The Black Orchids quit opening for One Direction. All because harry was an idiot and raped his girlfriend to prove a point. I honestly haven't been more mad at Harry ever. Emily was ready to rip his head off, and honestly I was too. What kind of person forces a girl to take them. I thought he loved Alex, it's just so fucked up!

Since we are still on tour, and Emily's band quit I never get to see her. It's not fair. It's all Harry's fault. I miss sleeping next to my beautiful girl every night. I'm just lucky if I see her every 2 weeks that is not enough. I don't ever want to be apart from her. Zayn sometimes has to comfort me, when I'm sad and crying because I miss her. It doesn't feel right to sleep alone. Nothing feels right without my beautiful Emily by my side. Thats going to change, I made a plan that is fool proof, that Emily and I will be together. I made my decision, I talked to Zayn about it he agrees. It's time I propose to Emily.

I call Alex up to help me with something. I pick her up at her and Emily's new house. She gets in the car, asking "hey Niall. So what did you need my help with, and why didn't you ask Emily?" I smirk "well it wouldn't be much of a surprise to have Emily pick out her own engagement ring now would it?". "Oh my god Niall you are going to propose!!!And you asked me to help!! Ahh this is so cute and exciting!." She says with a squeal. I nod "you're going to help me pick out an engagement ring today ok?" She nods "perfect".

We arrive at the jeweler, money is no object for my queen. Alex is talking about how Emily is really to focused on all the drama. "Wait didn't it die down? Because it was a month ago?" I say confused. Alex hesitates "well there is some new drama going on." She says as she looks back down at the ring case. "What?" I ask growing closer to her. "Well... Umm... Er." She leans up to my ear, "I'm pregnant...but you can't tell Harry. He can't ever know. Ok?" She whispers really slowly. "Oh my god Harry...." Is all I can say. What a fucking idiot. He raped his girlfriend and didn't bother to wear a condom. He knew she wouldn't be on birth control, because she was a fucking virgin. What a god damn idiot is all I can think.

We drop the topic, and just keep looking for a ring. Alex helped me find a gorgeous ring for Emily. It's sliver, and has 3 carrot diamonds. It's perfect for Emily. I pay, and leave with the little box ready in my pocket. I have no idea how I'm going to do this, but I know it's going to be very romantic, and original. (ring on side bar) 

I drop Alex back off at her house, and head back to the hotel to meet the boys. My head is still ringing with all my rage towards Harry. I pull Louis into a separate room. "Louis you have to know something..." I trail off. "What's so important?" He asks pulling my attention back. "Remember when Harry uhh.. You know.. Alex?" I say with urgency. "Yes...?" He says sort of confused. "She's pregnant, but you can't tell Harry! He can't ever know. Ok?" Louis agrees.

I pull my phone out, I text Emily goodnight, and tell her I love her like I always do. I'm tired of being apart. I don't like it, no I hate it! I hate it with a passion. It's all Harry's fault, I will never forgive him. I can't imagine what Alex is going through. I can feel tears in the wells of my eyes. I have to get my mind off this. I pull out my phone and call Dahvie up.

"Hello?" He says. "Hi Dahvie it's Niall..." I trail off. "Oh hi boy what do you need?" He asks. "I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask Emily to marry me and I need help." I say in a rush. "Oh my god! That's great! What do you need help with? Ill help with anything." He asks obviously overjoyed. "I need help on how to do it, and be original." I say with confusion in my voice. "I know what she wants, she use to explain it to her mother and I before her mom passed away. So here it is, what you have to do is......" He begins to explain this amazing Idea to ask for her hand in marriage. It's perfect, we both decide to do it next month, and Dahvie will be there with jayy. We say our goodbyes, and I thank him.

God I can't wait for this. It's going to be amazing to know she's there forever as my wife. I love her, way more than anything. She's all I ever wanted and more. She's perfect in every way. I can already picture her strutting towards me down the isle. It's going to be amazing. I fall asleep with my perfect girl on my mind, and the wedding we are going to share. It's almost feels like a dream, that I have such a perfect girl.

How will Niall propose?  

What Harry going to do about Alex being pregnant with his child? 

Is Alex going to fall for Zayn? 

More coming soon! 



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