The demon king's servant

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I remember that day as if it was yesterday. The day that would forever change my life. I woke up, handcuffed in a room as I heard noises coming closer and closer. "Is that her?" A woman asks. "Yes. She was able to survive the grand explosion. On top of that she has a suspicious hair color." A man answers. How dare they take away my newly gained freedom? As soon as I get rid of these chains I will make them pay. Finally the door opens and the two of them look at me. Both have blonde hair and golden eyes. For some reason I am reminded of my older sister. "You woke up early honey. I was hoping to examine you while asleep. Whatever, you will not have to suffer for long. Just a few experiments and we'll be done." The woman sais. I can't tell wether she is a sadistic scientist or perverted and gay. Either way she makes me sick. For an eternity they were staring at me. I did not say anything nor did I show any reaction. I should first try to find out more about them. Maybe they are dangerous. Finally the man asks: "What is your name sweety?" I think shortly and respond: "Sierra Helion." They seem to freeze for a minute as if my mother's name was so special. All I know is that people would say she is a strange woman. But than again, I think that is what I got from her. The woman tells the man to leave. "So you came back to live after protecting your child? No wonder you were immune to the poisoned gas that was caused by the explosion. Listen my dear queen. I was originally going to just set you free after playing a little but it seems that you are too dangerous to be kept alive." What the hell is going on? Who are they and why do they know my mother? "Who are you?" I ask as neutrally as I can. The woman's eyes widen in surprise. "It seems after dying once you already forgot everything. I am Diana Langton. The daughter of king Laos Langton, who you and your people killed so cold bloodedly." I nod and squeeze out a smirk, pretending to know what she is talking about. "Nice to meet you Diana. It seems that I was too generous with letting you live back then." I answer, provoking her. It works. Her face turns red and she pulls out a whip. I feel an immense pain through my bones as she starts hitting me again and again. I am used to pain. That is not the problem. Rather, it is hard to accept the fact that I am her prisoner and that I can not protect myself. God damned. I need to become stronger. And this bitch that seems to look down on me. I will show her the place she belongs to. Right beneath my feet, licking my shoes.

The following days consisted of unberable torture. From time to time I could pick up information and at night I was able to heal the worst, almost deadly wounds. A normal human in my place would have died way earlier. I tried getting glimpses of light in order to protect my sanity. It was exhausting and my hatred for these people grew. Their "experiments" consisted of burning my skin, almost drowning me and exposing me to the moonlight that makes me unable to heal myself. I took every beating without reacting. Just two or maybe one more day and I will be done for. I am shocked at the fact that it doesn't even concern me that much. I have a feeling that I will get my revenge soon. I could already put the puzzles in my head together. The people who captured me are part of the Langton kingdom in the west. My mother, who looked similar to me, was a servant of the demon king. She used to destroy villages on his behalf and assasinate people. One of the other comrades of hers one day got stuck in the territory of the west. As my mother saved him, she killed Lord Langton and they escaped. Afterwards she married that comrade and decided to live amongst people. She got pregnant with me but during that time my father was killed by the demon clan as revenge. My mother seduced the count and remarried in order to carry me out. Once she had done so, she took her own life in order to elimante the traces.

Damn. That is quite a story. I could not help but laugh at how brave my mother was. I think it is time to make her proud and finally get out of here.

Dear reader, this is the author speaking.

I decided to post the complete story here on wattpad as I have reached my goal for viewers.

More importantly I would love to hear what you think about the female lead and her character developement so make sure to comment.

These days I am updating about three times a week.



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