Before the storm

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Weird words. Of course I ignore them. Nothing will happen that is worse than what is happening at the mansion... as I walk towards the forest the moon is pitch black, just as the night I was born in but something feels strange. What was it that Emily wanted to warn me about? Suddenly there is a light between the trees and the city. I am trying to come closer and startle. The whole night market that used to be my escape from my origins is covered in flames. What is happening? Who did that? Oh my...I need to get back and warn Emily! But while I am running back the way that I came from, I hear noises. It is a man shouting. Or two? I don't know but I can smell danger. Suddenly there is a hand pulling me inside a bush to hide. As I turn my head I can not believe who is there for the rescue. "Elhain?" I whisper. "Be quite!" My older sister answers. After the men leave we get out of the bush. Girl do I have many questions! "What are you doing here? What is happening?... And why did you help me?" I ask. Elhain looks me in the eyes. For the first time in my life I get to admire those beautiful golden eyes! Unlike my unusal dark purple eyes that make me look like a villainess, my sister almost looks like a saintess. If this was a novel, she would be the pretty female lead. Blessed by the moon. I often heard that the only thing I may have in common with her is the beauty. "Roxanne, we do not have much time so you need to listen carefully! The people who just set a fire in the capital city are Black Stones." Wait. What? Black Stones or short "Blast" are people like me who were born in complete darkness. Society has been tormenting them for years so they created an organisation to live safely and get revenge by destroying, murdering and torturing. Just like me they have typical dark hair, dark eyes and a spade shaped mark on their shoulder. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I am happy to not be alone, being called a piece of unlucky scum but on the other hand I am startled that they are here to attack civillians. While ignoring my horrofied face, my sister continues: "They are here to assasinate the duke. It seems that the situation escalated and they burned down the duke's mansion as well as the night market around him. God, why did you come out here? Did Emily not tell you to stay at home tonight?" Wait a minute. How does she know? Was she spying on me? "How do you know all of that? And why did you come for me? You do not even care for me." I ask her confused. She slowly shakes her head in surprise: "Wow, you actually believed that I hate you. I guess I am the one to blame here my beloved little Roxy. I was not allowed to talk to you for 17 years. So I brought a maid to do that for me. Who do you think told Emily to bring your daily meals, your books and clean clothes to wear?" My eyes widened. All this time I have always seen my sister wearing a poker face and now she seems to be smiling. Hiding your feelings is painful. I know that from experience so how did she even do it so perfectly? "Roxy, in case those people catch you do not panic. Just show them your mark and they will not harm you." I was stunned. "Please believe me. Ever since your mother died, there has not been a day that I did not feel guilty for leaving you alone. I promised her to look after you. So this is the best I can do. I don't know what will happen from now on so please hide in the woods until the sun rises. As for me... I have to go now." I feel like I am coming to my senses now. But I can not let her go just like that. "Who are you, really?" I whisper, still in distrust. Her face turns soft for a moment. "I am the future of this god damn Society." She finally answers and runs away.

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