My days inside the underworld went by rather quickly. Life was surprisingly fun. I was lacking nothing as I was being treated like a queen. But it bothered me that I saw Dorian very rarely. He seemed busy with affairs and stuff. I wasn't going to visit the human world. Instead I stayed at my residence and tried to figure out the extend of my abilities while exchanging letters with Miya. Actually it's my fault that I didn't get to see the demon king more often. He wasn't even ordering me around that much. From time to time I was supervising raids or helped organizing the plans for the destruction of the revolutionary army. It was fairly easy but I could feel threats coming closer and like this my 19th birthday arrived.
I woke up this afternoon to the sound of music. It wasn't inside my residence but due to my fine ears I hear almost everything at any time. Today is my birthday so I should dress up a little even though no one else will care. The traditional clothing demons wear are beautiful but not necessarily practical. Things like Kimonos, yukatas and stuff. As I leave my chamber and follow the music, I hear the familiar voices of my dance mates. I told them to be informal with me during practice so we got closer. Now they are something like family to me. I enter the dance hall out of curiousity when I see a huge banket and lots of decor. The girls notice me and approach. "Greetings, my lady. Happy birthday." Everyone congratulates me. It's so beautiful. I am reminded of the first time I celebrated my birthday together with Tristan. This time there are so many people. And they are all here for me. I truly feel worthshipped. One of the older girls suggests: "We know you are looking after your figure but feel free to eat a bit more at least today. We prepared everything." I nod in gratitude and sit down with them. As we were dancing in the past I noticed how slim their bodies and waistlines were so I figured, making my waistline a little smaller might make me look smoother. I was right. While eating I wondered if Dorian knew about my birthday but he probably wouldn't care. He, himself is already a couple of centuries old so it won't make a difference. "My lady, there is a tradition we have as female demons. On your birthdays males can formally request a dance with you as a sign of romantic interest. Have you already gotten any proposals?" I shake my head. There is none of the demons here that I wouldn't reject anyway. Well, except for one. Would he ask me out? I don't think so... A servant enters the dance hall in order to give me a letter. The girls seem curious but keep a respectful distance. I read silently: "Hello trophy, how are you doing? I hope you're living well over there. Of course I didn't forget your birthday. Congrats on that note. I celebrated mine until I was like 100 as well but afterwards I lost count." I can't believe Miya is already that old. But demons can't die of natural causes so that makes sense. Despite we don't age from a certain point in our lifes. "You see, there has been some trouble. A few humans tried to sneak in. Evia executed them but there is a high chance a few might have survived. My plan is to use one of them as bait in order to make Evia leave the throne hall. Afterwards we will have to proceed and take her down as quickly as possible. The guards will be closing the gates at that as we told them and I already ordered them to evacuate the citizens of Kallistine. As soon as the barrier disappears, we will succeed." Miya has worked on that plan of hers. I see this letter as an indirect invitation to go to Kallistine. I sigh. I guess the birthday party is over like that. I face the dancers. "Thanks a lot for your efforts. I have something to do now so I will leave." There is not much time left. I tell the servant to report to the king about me going to the upside world and leave through the grand gate. I still don't know the way but luckily Keria does.
Dorian Hakai, sitting on his throne as gracefully as ever listens to the reports of the generalls. He has given Roxanne some time as she will be drained of power soon enough. Besides, everyone is talking about her having her birthday today. She may as well rest. However since she is owned by him already, he threatened everyone who dares to ask her for a dance. He doesn't like other people playing with his belongings. Roxanne's servant enters and bows. "What's the matter?" The king asks. "Lady Helion has left the underworld, your majesty." Oh? Did she want to go on another rampage on her birthday? Dorian smirks. "Did she tell you where she wants to go?" The servant responds: "Kallistine city." The demon lord's eyes widen. He hasn't told Roxanne but the revolutionary army has created a camp in front of the barrier. Enhanced creatures and demons are there. They are by far more than what she had encountered previously. Might be a good training, however she will be surprised by their attacks. Dorian sighs and gets up. Seems like there is some work today.
I am relatively close to the city of assasins but something seems to be off. I usually travel as my human self in order to not catch attention with my yellow eyes and markings so my senses are not as sharp as they could be. Still I can hear noises from around the bushes. I walk down the familiar pathway and see it. The revolutionary army. Right in front of the Black Stones? They seem to hide their aura with magic. Someone sees me and comes closer. Shit. "Who are you?" I smile innocently. "I was on my way home from work and got lost because it's so dark." Of course he won't buy it. My hair and the fact that I am directly in front of the barrier give it away. My goal is to buy time in order to think of a strategy to get out of this situation. The camp is too big for me to take them all at once. Too late. Another guy grabs me from behind and pins me onto the ground. What a phenomenal birthday. "You guys are really not giving me a choice." I finally say as my eyes turn yellow and my aura increases. The humans step back in shock. Now I got the attention. All of them are facing me now and I can feel demonic energy. I am surrounded. I take Keria and slice my way through the people in order to get an escape route but I am constantly being attacked by cursed waves. I keep dodging and manage to destroy some of them but by far not all. I am running now until I am cornered at the edge of a cliff. Water will drain my demonic magic so I can't possibly jump. But what is the alternative? Another wave of demonic energy makes the decision for me. I dodge and fall deep. Until I am met with the water surface and get purple eyes again. Is this it? I wasn't even beneficial to Miya yet. Neither to the demon clan. My mother wouldn't be proud if I die unknown like this. I wanted to make myself a name, right? My eyes close as I hope for a miracle to happen.

Diary of a Villainess
Fantasy"If you can't save all of them, why bother saving one? The amount of individual pain stays the same." -A woman who accepts the challenge of being a villainess.