Castle Of Kallistine

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I quickly grabbed the book or diary or whatever it was and followed the woman as she led me through the forest. She explained a couple of things to me: "Name is Miya btw. I am the supreme killer of Blast. We have a certain system that you will need to obey if you wanna last a couple of days. Just to make sure." She suddenly turns around, grabs my wrists and pins me against a tree. I try to resist but she is way to strong. Amazing. This is the kind of strength I am longing for. She pulls my coat down my shoulder and exposes the spade. "You should wear that one with pride, my trophy!" She advices. I simply nod. I am well aware that the only reason I am still alive is because she seems to like me so I dare not talk back or get upset about the nickname she gave me. A trophy is something good after all. She continues: "Everyone in Blast is marked with the spade. Very few of us are able to use cursed magic however every member still has a reliable amount of strength. We are not like pirates or robbers or anything. We are killers. You are free to do whatever you like with our support and protection as long as you follow orders and behave. Loyalty is the top priority. If you betray us, we will punish you with something worse than death. Our hometown Kallistine is ruled by Evia Hakai. She is also the only one who is ranked above me." I smile as I see her annoyed face while saying the last part. Not a huge fan of that Hakai girl, right? That may be of use for me in the future... "Anyway. A new member like you starts as a regular killer. You will be provided with necessary training however if you fail you will be thrown to the wolves. This way no information ever gets outside. To be frank until you reach the rank of progressive or advanced killer you will not have any rights. But as from what I saw tonight, you will be able to get there relatively fast." It indeed makes sense to first pick out those who lack ability in order to not invest wrongly. Still I am curious about something. "Are there a lot of people?" I ask. "The high level killers are 13 in total. There are hundreds of underlings however roughly 10 per cent survive for longer than a year. As I told you before: Those who are not worth it, will not receive any protection." Finally we reach a path that leads to a mountain. "Now my trophy, this is your first test. If you get past this barrier without dying or passing out you are already more capable than the majority of the people who arrive here. She goes inside the barrier without even flinching. "Now let us see how much determination you have inside of you." She looks at me with expectations. Alright I'd like to believe that I have a rather high pain tolerance so this will not kill me, right? I am not as confident though. I step forward and slowly close my eyes. I can feel the resistance of the barrier as I come closer. The moment I cross it I hear voices in my head that whisper and shout. Telling me that they will kill me once I get inside. I burst into laughter. "This is the challenge that scares people? Whoever is scared of facing evil has no place inside the darkness!" I state while taming my headache. Suddenly there is silence. I open my eyes to face Miya's curious glance. "You did it girl... with an unexpected calmness." She whispers the last part as I turn around to see the city. It is the middle of the night and there are stars shining onto the people here. It's lively. There are many houses built alongside a river. "Welcome to the city of assasins." Miya presents. She waits for my excited face to get neutral again and leads me through the town to the heart of the city. A dark castle. As we walk past all the people who notice us bow down in appreciation of the supreme killer's arrival. Some of them whisper about the mysterious girl following Miya. Finally we arrive at the castle. "One last thing." Miya looks at me. "Introduce yourself with the surname Carrington. Make it seem like you are a disciple of my former clan. Do not ever talk about the name Helion to anyone and make sure you do not tell anyone what your roots are." Another one who seems to have a back story with my mother. God, I would really like to make a name for myself without having to be judged because of preassumptions. Whatever. "Got it." I reply. She gifts me one last smile. "You're on your own now trophy. Make sure to survive and repay me. Good luck." She opens the door, pushes me inside the castle and shuts it behind me. In front of me there is nothing but a throne, as black as this castle. The aura is even more cursed than when I arrived here. That is probably due to the person sitting on the throne. "So you are the kid that was taken here by Miya. That means you are quite capable indeed." I hear a female voice talking. White eyes stare right into my soul. I immediatly remember what Miya told me. "I greet your highness, master Evia." I say while bowing down. "My name is Roxanne Carrington. i am here to serve Kallistine." The albino woman with her white hair in contrast to her black dress smirks. "You are quite brave girl. To look me right into the eyes. Due to the fact that you could resist the cursed magic around the barrier, I will grant you a place here. If you manage to improve your title as a regular killer that is." Suddenly she is right in front of me handing me a a white bracelet. I hestitate. "What are you waiting for? Are you scared?" She asks. I put the bracelet around my wrist before passing put from an extreme, explosive like pain in my heart.

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