The cherry blossom

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Alice doesn't know what to do. She feels so useless between these fighting creatures. In a moment of self-doubt, she hears a voice in her head. "This is how you choose to value the life Miya spared so gracefully?" The girl shakes her head. "Who are you?" The familiar voice answers: "No need to give you answers. You're an alchemist. What's the one thing you can do in order to change the battle situation and turn the tables?" Alice concentrates, trying hard to find a solution when it suddenly hit her. She is still alive because her life still has a purpose. She must fulfill it... no matter what. Without further thinking, she shouts at her former master: "Your highness! Release your magic at me full force!" Evia takes a second to realize the girl was talking to her. "You either have a death wish or a plan, regardless. I assume you're finally trying to help?" Alice nods enthusiastically. Evia grins. "Alright, watch out!" Like that, the albino frees herself from her chains of cherry blossom while directing a wave of cursed magic at the fragile alchemist. Alice seemed prepared. She focuses on the wave sent at her onto the ground and draws something with the shadows while coughing up blood. She needs to be fast.
Miya is getting dizzy from the blood loss. Humans are so damn fragile. If not for a miracle, she will die in the next couple of minutes because she can't dodge the attacks anymore. This man possesses a demon sword. This makes him an incredibly dangerous opponent. Since she was hit with it, the short haired people had to fight off hallucinations as well as that cocky bastard. Her battery is at its bare minimum. She looks at Kain, who already seems to celebrate his victory when he suddenly starts cramping and crouching. His eyes turn black, and he starts crying shadows. Black tear drops run down his tormented face while he seems to die a slow and painful death. This technique... this is her former magic power. Miya turns around to take a look at the source of power. Alice is standing on top of a circle with markings. She used blood to draw them. Black eyes, surrounded by shadows, she directs her energy towards the beast, that's fighting with Evia. Only a few seconds, and it turns into ashes. What the hell did just happen? This ordinary former assassin, who happens to be an alchemist, used the immense shadows to save them?! Evia is instantly there to support her friend, who is trying to keep her feet on the ground. "Good thing you didn't kill her back then." She comments. Miya smirks. "Well, now she won't hold on for any longer." She then loses consciousness into her friend's arms. Evia carries her off the battlefield. Alice is gone. There is probably somewhere else she would like to be before taking her last breath.

It's so quiet here. Too quiet. The dead cherry blossom on the ground don't make a sound, and so, she seemingly didn't either. She falls on her knees. Holding the bloody wound that has pierced a hole in her stomach. So this is her destiny. She was just a tool in order to change this battle's outcome. Now, she is no longer needed. She still has one wish, though. "I like that look on your face. You look so honest!" The girl raises her head in surprise. The goddess of this world is standing in front of her. "How did you come here?" Alice asks with widened eyes. The demon queen answers: "I followed the smell of blood and cherry blossom." Of course. Alice is so naive. She lowers her head again with a slight smile and whispers: "You thought I was Evia... are you disappointed?" A short pause. "I knew that it would be you." Alice is surprised once again. Roxanne looks down at her with a soft expression. "I forgive you." Alice now looks up as  far as she can to meet the purple eyes of her friend. "Thank you..." Helion watches as the body slowly gets consumed by the hole in her stomach. "Are you leaving?" A silent whisper replies: "Yes. It's enough." One last glance at the beauty in front of her, Alice has her last thoughts. She is grateful. Her sincerest wish got fulfilled. She saw her mentor one last time. The demon lady looks up at the sky as the girl's body turns into ashes and is carried on through the wind with company from cherry blossoms. "You're right, my friend. I'm getting tired of it as well." Roxanne turns around and leaves.

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