Chapter 2

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Victor expected revolt, if he was lucky, horror in Robin's eyes when he saw him make his interest known. He knew how much Robin hated luring Alphas. What he didn't expect was amazement. He had startled Robin with his brazen behaviour.

"I volenteer," he had said, attracting Robin's attention in an instant.

"These fucking Alphas," one of the female guards cursed. "They will fuck anything on two legs."

"Even the figid omega prince," the other guard added as they dragged him to his holding area. The four by four cell was his home for the past two years.

Victor came to Marcella Palace with so much hatred in his heart, he was surprised how he hadn't killed anyone in his two years of captivity.

Robin was young when Victor had first seen him. He had grown so much in the last two years, not physically, but mentally. He had seen the look behind those eyes mature. It wasn't difficult to keep an eye on King Marcella's last omega son. He had a tendency of trotting around the palace with his sisters. Fearless and oblivious.

Victor hated and loved how his slightly long hair flowed in the air as he walked around the palace. Loved because it was a sight to behold and hated because he knew other Alphas saw him too.

Victor couldn't believe what they made Robin wear this afternoon. He was pretty sure Robin had no say in what he wore. Victor had to tramp down his anger at anyone who saw Robin like that. He could tell Robin wasn't comfortable either. The boy usually walked around the palace with his shoulders straight, head high, chest puffed, not today though. He looked like he wanted to dig a hole and bore into it. Victor wanted to reach out and shield him from the prying eyes.

Victor didn't plan on meeting Robin for the first time on his initiation. He didn't want Robin to see him like this, like a slave to his father's forces. But he had no other choice.

When they brought in Victor for the initiation choosing he didn't look his finest. They made him work 24x7 at the palace grounds when he wasn't whoring himself off to the palace royalty. Mosst of the time he didn't care about his looks, the women took him as he was but tonight he wished he could put some effort into looking good. He couldn't. They pulled him off his sleeping cell, ripped off his shirt and put him with the crowd of other Alphas to be presented before RObin. By the time he knew what was happening it was too late.

He wasn't even in the cell for more than half an hour when the guards came back. "Guess what! He wants you."

Victor didn't give away his satisfaction. He refused to give these fuckers much. For the longest time they thought he must be a mute. They didn't even know his name. When he was captured they had tortured him for days trying to get information from him. But he had been through more painful things than the physical blows they inflicted on him.

The electronic collar was attached to his neck once again as they dragged him out. The two female guards were no match to his strength. Even with his bound hands he could take them down in an instant. The collar on his neck was their only saving grace. But then they didn't have the authority to kill him. Only the royalty did.

His stomach grumbled as he remembered he hadnn't had any food since morning and it was almost evening now. The food given to them couldn't be considered food. It was simply a life sustaining goop. He didn't know what kind of trash they put in it but it tasted awful. It made him survive which is all he needed. He needed to survive until he had his plan executed.

They pushed him inside a big smi-lit room.

"Why the room so fucking dark?" one of the guards complained. The guards stopped him and pulled at his pants. Victor was surprised, he kicked the woman far more gently than he would have a male guard. The other female guard shoved him, bumping him against one of the ampshades. It fell down and broke in peices. The female he kicked stood up and hit his head with her metal rod.

"You damn bastard," she cursed before dragging him to the middle of the room.

They sat him down on a chair which was placed in the middle of the room. His legs were tied to the legs of the chair and hand bound behind the chair back. The flimsy chair was an excuse to keep him bound. One flick and the chair could crumble. He gritted his teeth imagining how they would put Robin''s life in danger if they put any other Alpha with him like this. But then any other Alpha wouldn't be as volatile as him. They would be a good little pet to be used by the Marcella royalty.

The guards left him alone in the room, waiting for Robin to show up. Where Victor was from initiation wasn't a thing. When omegas came into maturity they went out and had sex. Some even lost their virginity before their maturity.

He wondered if RObin had a say in this whole process. From the look of his troubled face earlier, it didn't look like he was keen on having sex with a stranger. Robbin shouldn't have chosen him as his initiator if he had good sense. He wasn't known to be a gentle lover. The only women who called him for services were those who wanted rough play. RObin didn't look like he was into rough play. He was the kind of person who would want gentle love making. Victor didn't know how to do that. The only reason he warned all other Alphas to keep their head down was before he didn't want them to see Robin in that sheer dress. Victor had made his dominance known among the palace Alphas from his initial days in Marcella Palace. They knew not to mess with him. They also knew he was the only one who could help with their freedom.

If Robin chose any other Alpha he would have killed him. Good thing Robin chose him.

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