Chapter 16

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Robin and Victor had been walking through the dense forest of Heka for the past three hours. Robin's feet were starting to give up.

"Can we rest now?" Robin asked, coming to a halt.

"We still have a few hours of daylight left. We can cover more distance if we keep going. We will be able to reach Manu sooner."

"Manu? I thought your family lived in Dhasur's capital."

"They used to before the invasion. They are hiding in Manu now. It isn't as packed with Marcella troops as Tombak."

"Why did they spare Manu?" Robin asked, one hand on his hip, dragging each step forward.

"They did not spare Manu. They simply didn't see the point in sending troops to a town that has endless beaches and no real resources that they can profit off. At the moment they are focusing on looting the capital." Victor didn't hide the bitterness in his voice.

"I am sorry," Robin said, feeling guilty for his father's action.

Victor paused and looked back at Robin. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I didn't mean to sound...accusotory," Victor said, softening his voice.

"I know," Robin nodded, looking down the dirty ground, trying to drown the awkwardness.

Victor sighed. "We can rest in half an hour. Okay?"

Robin looked up and nodded eagerly.

Victor found a campsite at a clearing in the forest. He cleaned the forest ground. When Robin tried to help him he asked him to sit while he set up the tent. Victor was much efficient at starting the fire with the flintrod Robin had brought. To say Robin was entranced was an understatement. The man moved effortlessly even though he almost died the day before. Robin's toes curled, a smile formed on his lips without meaning to, as he watched Victor focus on his work. He might have not wanted a mate but knowing the god adonis himself was at his service made him giddy. Robin looked away and pretended to be watching the tall trees when Victor looked up at him.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked, the flirty tone doing dirty things to Robin's body.

"I have seen better," Robin said, shrugging.

Victor walked up to him and leaned in. Robin's heart sped up every time Victor was near, a side effect of being a virgin.

"Do you have a knife?" Victor asked.

"What?" Robin's brain had stopped working, his eyes were focussed on Victor's lecious lips. No matter how hard he tried to pull his eyes away they landed back on them. It had to do something with the mate thing, there was no way he would be so enamoured by an Alpha. Robin had seen enough Alphas working in the palace and he had never felt this attracted to them. If anything, Alphas had always irritated him. Their narcissism made him want to punch them on the face.

"Robin, the knife?" Victor prompted.

"Oh," Robin searched his backpack and retrieved the knife he had bought.

Victor took the knife from his hand but not before brushing his fingers on his, setting his senses ablaze. Robin pulled away, clenching his fist by his side, hoping Victor didn't notice how he was affecting him.

They had chewed the last bit of dried meat while walking for the last four hours. They had no food or water left. Victor asked Robin to fetch water from the nearby stream, while Victor decided to forge for food. The river was near, Robin had seen it on their way to the campsite.

Robin got lost. He didn't realise he had such a bad sense of direction. He could see the campsite from the riverbank yet when he started to walk towards it he must have taken a wrong turn. He couldn't find the clearing.

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