Chapter 15

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"Robin," Joyce came barging into his room.

He looked at his sister and couldn't hold back the tears as he hugged her and sobbed on her shoulder.

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Joyce asked, her voice laced with concern.

Robin shook his head, not sure what to tell her.

"Are you crying because of that asshole Dmitry Ivanov? Coward. Ran away at the slightest hint of danger," Joyce said with disgust.

"What are you talking about?" Robin asked.

"I am really sorry, Robin. Alphas are assholes. Selfish bastards. His advisors asked him to leave the Marcella palace in fear of being assassinated. They think that because the King of Sarai was killed, they were next. The fucker didn't even bother to say goodbye to his mate. What kind of Alpha is he?"

"I don't think he is my mate," Robin replied. Victor's proclamation comes to haunt him again.

"You think so? I think so too. Thank goodness," Joyce said with a sense of relief.

"Joyce, I killed my mate," Robin said, barely holding back the quiver in his voice. He never wanted to be tied down to an Alpha, well god granted him his wish in the worst way possible. He would be mateless for the rest of his life. And he would blame himself for it.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you saying?"

Robin bit the inside of his lips as a fresh wave of tears formed in his eyes. He told her the whole thing with Victor omitting the fact that he was the Prince of Dhasur.

"Oh, Robin," Joyce cooed, hugging him in a deep embrace. "Why didn't you trust him? He might be an enemy soldier but he didn't lie."

"How can you be so sure?" Robin asked, feeling horror engulf him once again.

"Aunt Katrina confessed to killing the King of Sarai. She went to his bedchamber last night. He might have said something to upset her. They got into a physical fight and he was a sixty-seven years old man. She slammed a brass vase on his head and he died from blood loss. She fled but confessed her crime when our father investigated the matter."

Robin shook his head in guilt. "What have I done?"

"What's done is done," Joyce said, squeezing his shoulder. "You should take a nap. You will feel better."

How could he fall asleep knowing he killed his soulmate? How stupid, how cruel could he be?

Joyce left his room a few minutes later. She probably thought he would recover from this but Robin's world was crumbling down.

He was drowning in his sorrow when someone knocked on his door. The door slid open an inch and his ladymaid peeked in.

"Can I come in, young master?"

"I don't need anything right now. Let me be alone," Robin mumbled, ignoring her.

"I want to tell you something very important," she said, eyes darting around in fear.

Robin paused. "Come in," he said even though he had no energy to talk to anyone.

"The pleasure slave you killed," she whispered. "He is alive."

Robin sat up, all ears now. "What?"

She nodded. "Yes. He had done some favors for the healer in the past, as his wife was a Dhasur citizen. He announced him dead so he would have a chance to escape. The guards threw his body outside Capital City, on the edge of Heka forest. He was not in a good condition though."

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