Chapter 28

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"You need to go to Hestros," Victor said to Arthur, standing at the doorway of his room.

"I thought you were meeting with them at the base."

"It's not safe. That's why I need you to go there and talk to the King of Hestros Personally."

"Why me? I do not have a single Diplomatic bone in my body. I have never once participated in official meetings. I am not the right person for this. Why don't you ask Rody?"

"Rody is going to Joolandia. Would you want to swap places with him?" Victor asked, knowing the King of Joolandia was one of the ascendants of Gods. He had a bad reputation and talking to him would be a thousand times more difficult than going to Hestros.

"Fine I will go to Hestros but I need you to write down everything for me. Every possible thing he could say and my rebuttal for it."

Victor shook his head in annoyance. He could have gone to Hestros instead of sending Arthur but he needed to keep it a secret that he was alive. Moreover, he needed to take Robin to Tombark so he could address Marcella soldiers who had come forward to help Dhasur.

Robin was awfully quiet on the ride to Tombark. Lawrence had us fly on an invisible flying vessel to go Tombark. We needed to be extremely secretive and it had taken a lot of resources on Lawrence's part to set up the meeting. Victor wasn't sure what was going on in Robin's mind.

"You can still back down if you want. I will not ask questions," Victor said, squeezing his palm.

"I don't want to go back down. I am nervous about failing."

"It's okay to fail. I have failed enough times to know it's not the end of the world."

"I want to be useful to you."

"You are useful. Your helping me with this mission doesn't determine your usefulness. What you are doing is a favor, not a duty. If it works out it would be great but if it doesn't work out I will find another way. I need you to stop stressing out."

The thousand or so Marcella soldiers were already waiting in the arena when Robin and Victor arrived.

"You look nervous. This is not going to help convince your soldiers that you are here to speak on behalf of your father," Lawrence said when Robin entered the podium.

Robin gulped down. He couldn't help from the emotions showing up on his face. He was a prince, not an actor.

"I will try not to look nervous when I am in front of them," Robin said.

"You better not," Lawrence said, before presenting a document to him. "This has everything you need to say to them. Read and memorize it. Say it with conviction and hope they believe you."

Robin looked down at the page and shuddered.

Victor took the page from him and read the contents. The speech was riddled with lies and exaggeration.

"What is this?" Victor glared at Lawrence.

"We have carefully curated the speech to garner a reaction from these people."

"These people?" Robin snapped his head at Lawrence. "Give them some respect. These are soldiers, not just some people."

Victor squeezed Robin's plam in apology.

"You can call it off," Victor whispered. Robin shook his head. "I will handle it," he said and walked forward to address the Marcella Army.

Robin stood at the podium facing the crowd of soldiers, shaking like a leaf. They couldn't see the nervous tremor from a distance but Victor could, he could almost sense Robin's nerves. Victor was standing in the shadows far from sight, arms crossed, leaning against a wooden pillar. There was tension in the air, as if everyone was holding their breaths waiting for Robin to speak up.

"My loving people,

I have been asked to persuade you to help Dhasur. Help is a strong word. How can we help when we have been suffering under the tyranny of the King ourselves? No one helped us. We have been losing our kin to meaningless laws. I had the privilege of not being born in the working class but I have seen how the working class has been treated in my country. How labour is extracted from them as if they are slaves. I knew there was something fundamentally wrong in the way my father ruled and after running away from him I have realised there is more to this world than being treated like a bug. I myself have lived in fear for eighteen years of my life but no more. Because I have decided to go against my father. I have decided to help....these people. And in turn, I have decided to help myself. Let the tyrant fear. I have placed my trust and strength in the loyal hearts of my people, the true soldiers of my country; and therefore I have come amongst you, to live and die amongst you all; to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honor and my blood, even in the dust. I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble omega; but I have the heart and stomach of a fighter. I want you to give Dhasur your support and your trust in the field, and outside of it, for our victory."

There was a collective uproar in the crowd. Robin's profound words shook them as it shook Victor. He didn't know Robin had it in him to move the emotions of strong soldiers without having any experience. He wasn't an alpha, a king, or a soldier but his words were strong. Victor's chest filled with pride at his mate's bravery.

Robin looked at the sheet of paper Lawrence had given him.

"The Dhasur president has requested to keep the preparation a secret. We need to be discreet while we train Dhasur and their allies for the oncoming war. We will give them any inside information on Marcella. Marcella soldiers who are in the Commanding position are requested to personally teach the Manu soldiers about the secret ways of Capital City war methods. And provide them with modern weapons that may be inaccessible to them."

They roared in unison.

"Great. That is what I expected from the great soldiers of the Capital City."

When Robin walked off the stage his knees almost gave out. Victor held him steady. "You did great," Victor said with a proud smile.

"That was scary," Robin whimpered.

"Let's sit down." Victor took him to Lawrence's private room and gave him water. Lawrence walked in a few seconds later with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"You did far better than I expected. I never thought Capital City people could take an omega seriously but you proved me wrong."

"You underestimate my mate, Lawrence. "This is just the beginning. You just wait and watch."

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