Chapter 37

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Victor and Robin were brought to the Capital City Stadium. The stadium was exclusively used to hold public events like games, races, and public speeches but public execution for dire crimes was also one of the things that happened there. Robin had a feeling his father was going to make an example out of him.

They were made to sit in the middle of the ground with their hands tied above their head and legs barely touching the ground. Robin's father, his mother, and sisters, along with all other royal family members sat at the balcony. High above the ground. A gathering of people was standing before them, stones in their hands. Marco stood at the podium before them and shouted. "My brother has betrayed our nation by helping the enemy. The only punishment for people like him is to have the most brutal death possible. You have been given stones to throw at the traitor and his lover. Make sure each one hits them."

They started to throw stones at them. Robin felt one hit him on the head, the next one on his shoulder and then he lost count. They were like pallets hitting one after another.

"STOP!" Victor said in a deep voice that stunned the crowd for a few seconds. "I, King of Dhasur, did not come here to hurt you guys. Name a single civilian I have harmed and I will accept this death with a bowed head. I came here to free the people of Marcella, the people of my mate's country from the King's tyranny."

"Why did you stop? Keep throwing the stone!" Marco yelled but his voice was nothing compared to the booming echo of Victor's voice.

"Harold Marcella and his predecessors have exploited their people to fill their royal treasures. When the whole world was changing, uplifting for the betterment of their citizens Harold Marcella kept his backward laws. Keep using the outdated judicial system to kill innocent people. Only a cruel man will stone his pregnant omega son."

Marco hit Victor with his fist. It did nothing to stop Victor. "This man can't be loyal to his own family, how can he be loyal to his countrymen? If you want to support such a monster, go ahead and stone me."

The people standing people them as well as the ones sitting on the bleachers went eerily quiet. "I am not your enemy. I am your friend..." Victor didn't get to finish before two soldiers gagged him.

Robin's father was fuming. He snatched a gun from one of the soldiers and walked down the stairs towards Victor and Robin angrily. He trained the gun on Victor but before he could fire a gunshot landed right on his shoulder throwing him off the podium and on the ground. There was chaos on the fighting ground when a group of Marcella soldiers entered the ground and started firing at the armed guards around Robin and Victor.

"Surrender your weapons if you don't want to die," one of the Marcella commanders warned, standing before the Marcella Army.

"Is this how you're going to save the people of Capital City?" King Marcella mocked, holding onto his shoulder.

"It's better to die than to live another day under your kingship," the commander said. "Ask your guards to drop their weapons."

"Never," King Marcella announced.

"Have it your way then," he instructed his soldiers to fire at the guards. The guards scrambled around, running for their lives.

"Nike, stop!" Robin screamed, "Don't hurt my sisters," he demanded.

The commander couldn't hear Robin's cries over the screams of the people who were running everywhere to save their lives.

"Victor ask him to stop," Robin pleaded, turning to Victor. Victor looked hesitant as if he didn't want the man to stop. Robin frowned feeling betrayal creep up his heart.

"Victor," he prompted. Something must have snapped Victor out of the trance because yelled at the commander to stop firing at the royal members.

"Take my sisters and mother to a safe place," Robin demanded.

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