Chapter 10

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The last thing Victor expected was to see Robin again. After the earth shattering kiss they shared in his prison cell, he didn't think they would meet again any time soon. He was happy with the fact to an extent but luck had other things planned. He had been teaching sword fighting to the Marcella girl for the past seven days. It was a great way to pass time. The guards were bribed to stay quiet about the whole affair. Although the girl had more interest in spending time with Jaden than learning to sword fight, he didn't mind the distraction. What he didn't expect was for her to bring his brother to the session as well.

Robin, unlike his sister, was a quick learner. He paid attention, and worked hard to perfect his skills. Victor tried his best to keep it platonic, to be a good instructor but when it came to him nothing could be platonic. His presence was a cinder igniting something in him that was uncontrollable.

The moment Robin stepped in his vicinity Victor could sense something different in his smell. Alphas were attuned to things like that. The basic animal nature of an Alpha was to smell the hormonal change in an omega. Even Jaden noticed the smell. He kept giving Victor troubling glances. Victor kept Robin away from Jaden but the boy should have been mindful enough to not get out of his room so close to his heat. First heat at that. Alphas go crazy around an omega in heat. They don't see the reason. If he trotted around permiating that aroma Alphas would fight each other to death to be the one to knot him. Victor paced his room restlessly. He didn't want Robin to ignore the consequences of his action, if he chose to stay out in the open instead of keeping himself locked away in his room.

Victor was pulled out of his thoughts by a sudden commotion in the fields. People were gathered at a distance, including guards. Jaden came rushing to him.

"You need to handle this," he said breathlessly.

"What happened?"

"A young Alpha was brought in yesterday. He is giving a hard time to the other slaves. The guards are having trouble controlling him."

Young Alphas were notorious for being disruptive and under stress they became practically impossible to control.

Victor walked to the gathering, seeing two guards and a slave trying to hold the Young Alpha male to the ground.

"Get off him," Victor commanded. The slaves listened immidiately but the guards were slow to listen. When holding the guy off became too much for them they removed themselves as well.

Victor took hold of him through the shoulder. The young man buckled in his hold, cursing explicits.

"Calm down, you will hurt yourself."

"Let me go. I will kill him," he said, eyeing the slave who was holding him down. "You gave them my whereabouts, you fucker. I trusted you. How could you do this to me? You knew I had dreams."

"They were going to kill my family," the slave replied.

"I have a family too. Who is going to take care of them now?"

"They are going to be alright," Victor said. "You will take care of them."

The man looked up at him in confusion. His eyes searched Victor's face in confusion. "How?" he asked.

"Time changes. Capital city has been under tyranical rule for way too long, something gotta give. And something will give."

The man searched for the hidden truth behind his eyes. He didn't believe Victor but he wanted to.

"All you need to do is stand up against the opposing forces when the time comes. You understand what I am trying to say right?" Victor asked.

"No. Who do you think you are? Some kind of vendetta?"

"You will know in time," Victor said with a smile as he let the man go.

"Be careful about running your agenda in the open," one of the guards warned. "You have started to become more obvious."

Victor smirked at him. "I sense something big is coming."

The guards including the several slaves gathered around them looked equally hopeful and terrified. They had high hopes on Victor. But they also knew any hope had quickly been tramped down in the Marcella Palace. They knew their lives were dispensible. King Marcella had no shortage of Alphas who would gladly replace them. They were taking a risk keeping Victor's agenda a secret. And Victor was taking a risk trusting them. But he had to take the risk if he needed to succeed. The only problem was Robin. He didn't expect to meet him here and certainly didn't expect to like him this much.

That night he sneaked off his prison cell. The night guard let him, like he let him many other nights before. The Alpha guard, a fourty year old man, had his fourteen year old son plucked from his family and put in with Marcella Army to fight their bloody war. He lost his son to the war. It wasn't the enemy's fault that his child with zero training was forced into fighting a war he had no understanding of. He was among the thousands of people King Marcella had wronged. They were so eager to help Victor when he showed them hope for a better future.

Victor went to Katrina's room and knocked on the door. Her lady maid opened the door and was shocked to see Victor without guards.

"Did you call for a pleasure slave, your grace?" the lady asked, looking inside the room. Katrina came running, pushing the maid aside.

"What are you doing here?" Katrina asked, looking around in panic.

"You haven't been calling me to your room. I got worried."

She took his hand and pulled him in, locking the door gently. "You can't be here. If someone sees me with a pleasure slave I will be in big trouble."


She chewed on her lips. "I am betrothed to be married."

Victor narrowed her eyes at her. "You bent down to your brother's wishes, didn't you?"

"I had no other chioce."

"Really? What did he threaten you with? Did you say he will take away all your sparkly things?"

"You have no right to talk to me like that?" she snapped, pointing a finger at him.

"No? What are you going to do? Ask your brother to punish me again?"

"Why do you care? It's not like you love me."

"I might not love you but I do care about you. I know the king of will not be happy with him."

Katrina sighed. "It doesn't matter. I have already promised myself to him."

Victor took a step back. "Have it your way then. If you are hell bent on ruining your life I am no one to stop you." With that Victor turned around and left her room.

Victor didn't want an alliance between King Sarai and Marcella. It could make things difficult for him. He thought he could influence Katrina into refusing the marriage but she feared her brother more than she liked Victor. He had hoped to use Katrina as a pawn in his fight against Marcella Dynasty but she slipped away. All he needed was one pawn in his chess piece. Someone who could give him the upper hand. 

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