The Problem with Pranks

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Trigger warning⚠️ mentions of blood, knives, references to self harm⚠️

When Denki first woke up that morning, he never would have guessed how a little bit of harmless fun would have turned out so bad.

His eyes flickered open around 2:10 in the morning. He blinked a couple of times, staring at the red numbers on his alarm clock, double-checking his phone; thankful for the fact he kept it on dark mode and the brightness on low. Denki sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. So he sucked in a breath and held it. He had had the habit of holding his breath when he first wakes up since he was a child. He found that making his heart rate speed up helped him to get out of bed.

By 2:40, he was up all the way, and quickly slipped some sweatpants over his boxers and carded his fingers through his hair. At that moment, when he was done busying himself in the mirror, he decided to prank a couple of the other students, and ran over to his desk to create a list of good pranks. Tokoyami and Denki were secretly close, the poor shorter boy was shy and only stuck to a few people, but when Denki figured out that they both enjoyed horror games the two quickly bonded and began hanging out in the quieter ones room.

It was decided then that Tokoyami would be the first to get pranked, and could help Denki if need be. Kaminari quickly went over his classmates and compiled a list. Bakugou, Momo, and Iida would be extremely hard to prank, however Midoriya was close behind. He hasn't come up with that many good pranks that his friends and classmates would fall for, so he decided he was only going to prank a few of them.

Reaching for his mini fridge, Denki swiped a water bottle and chugged down half of it before using the bottom of his shirt to wipe his mouth. Shrugging his feet into a pair of slippers and grabbing his phone, Denki treaded out of his dorm and took the stairs to the kitchen, he wanted to grab a snack before heading to Tokoyami's, but saw the small bottle of Orange juice that Iida would drink from for breakfast every day. With an idea in mind, he cracked open a can of orange soda, and poured out the juice, swapping the pulp filled liquid with a carbonated one of the same flavor. It wasn't a school day so everyone would most likely be sleeping in, so Iida wouldn't know what he had done until later. But it was very nearly 3 in the morning as Denki dropped in some orange food coloring and twisted the cap back on.

So as quietly and quickly as possible, he ran back up the few levels of stairs it took. The dorms locked automatically, and could only be opened with a keycard. Sending a small string of electricity Into the card slot, the door opened. The handle turned easily under Denki's grip and slowly approached the bed where Tokoyami was still asleep. Tokoyami always looked just as tired as that brainwash kids from 1-C and training, Shin-something, Kaminari thought to himself quickly. After their friendship bloomed, Kami soon learned that Dark shadow often woke up Tokoyami between 3-4 am due to her own restlessness, so Denki wasn't the most worried about waking the lover of everything black.

Denki whipped out his phone and began playing Chop Suey by System of a Down, placing the speakers near where Tokoyami's ears would be(while Denki knows that birds have ears? The separate proportions threw him off a bit) turning up the volume at the perfect time for Serj Tankian to scream 'WAKE UP'[ Into the vicinity of a birds ear hole] at Tokoyami, shocking the bird-boy and throwing Dark Shadow into a giggling fit. Toko thrashed around for a moment and Denki turned down the music. The electric blonde gave Dark Shadow a quick head pay and Tokoyami chuckled.

"That's not a bad song, Kaminari. But what demon did you summon that gave you such an idea?!"

"I decided to prank everyone" Tokoyami looked at him sparingly " Okay okay, not everyone, just a few selective people. And guess what, I've already planted the one for Iida."

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