Not so Holly Jolly

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There was snow on the ground outside. Denki watched as his classmates finished up with their presents. Some of them had gone slower than others. Denki had always been one to open the gifts as quickly as possible. That's just who he was. Today however, he still had a few things he had yet to open. His classmates were watching him expectantly. Looks like they guessed he usually opened presents fast pretty easy and pretty quick.

Denki grabbed the green box next to him. He let out a small chuckle when he heard the small bell that was attached to the ribbon jingle faintly. Wow. He said in his head. It was a large watercolor paper sketchbook and some watercolors and a small guache set (guache us just like heavier and more pigmented watercolors). Denki looked around the room.

"Oh, i must have forgotten to write my name. That's from me, Kaminari." Huh. It was from Midoriya. Denki reached for the next one. He flipped it around a couple of times to see who it was from. It was from Mina. It was very obviously box shaped. On the inside of the box were two drinking things. One was an actual water bottle with All Might on it. And the other was Elecplant. Denki favorite hero. Denki gave her a tired smile and a verbal thank you.

He quickly made it through the last of his presents; thanked his friends and teachers, (because Mic thought it would be funny and got Denki a coffee mug despite Aizawa's protests) and then headed upstairs. It was almost always dark in his room. So Denki turned on his LED lights system and decided that was good enough.

He was going to check in with his family. Christmas time was almost always crazy with crime. Breaking and entering, robbery, armed robbery. Even people who weren't villainous, would steal presents or food for the kids for Christmas. It almost broke Denki's heart. The used ti watch the news in the morning on Christmas. So much crisis. So much chaos. It was a Merry Conundrum.

Denki quickly got into his desk chair and turned on his pc. The monitor whirring faintly in his ear. Thanks to his quirk, his ability with electronics was much more advanced than his classmates. But it also meant all the little noises were louder. He shook off his headache; golden blonde hair falling in front of his eyes and then back behind his way in two quick motions.

"Hi mom," he waved sheepishly. Looking at his mothers white eyes and her black hair. She was a beautiful woman. Then his dad. Pale blonde hair and hazel eyes. Denki's little brother popped into the screen.

"Kiki!" He squealed. Kiki was Minoko Kaminari's nickname for Denki. He had blonde hair; white eyes, pale freckled skin and almost a full set of teeth in his large smile.

"Hi hi Minow!" Denki chuckled back. His brother was adorable, but he was louder than Midoriya when All Might was in the room.

About 20 minutes later Denki Discussed visiting his parents in a day or so. Aizawa wanted all of his students to remain at the dorms for their safety during the holiday. And almost all parents agreed. So Denki along side all of his classmates resided in the dorms for the past five freezing days. They would be let go on the 27th, perfectly in time for Uraraka-san's birthday.

Denki could last the next 48 hours. At least he hoped. He knew it was technically possible. But he just felt so overwhelmed with exhaustion that he was pretty much numb to everything.

The blonde decided he would work on putting all of his gifts away. Soaps and colognes went into a plastic basket that he would later bring into the boys shared bathroom. Everything else like clothes, went in his closet or on shelves. There was a new pair of shoes; ok the back of his door. A couple of new hats; with the others on hooks. Someone even thought it would be funny to have gotten him a maths book. Denki was t amused though.

How is it only 2pm?? He cried ti himself in alarm. He had been in his room for 4 hours. It was Christmas. So there had been a large breakfast and hot chocolates. Denki heard footsteps on the other side of his door. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone entered his room. He thought he had locked the door.

"Kaminari-kun," oh, thank Kami, (which is the Japanese word for god btw) it was just Midoriya. It was almost weird how many times the greenette had snuck up on him in the last few days. It was almost like he could sense something was wrong. "You alright?"

"No, I'm fine Midobro. No worries"

"I'll still worry." He crossed his arms over his chest. "You've been up here for hours and it's been nothing but quiet. I volunteered to come up here and check on you despite Mina ans Jirou wanting to tag along. I said I would go alone." Midoriya took a seen on Denki's bed.

"Hey, woah! Get comfortable I guess-"

"I'm not trying to be intimidating. I want you to sit next to me. I wanna talk to you. Something has been off lately."

"Oh..." Denki took a seat on his bed and rubbed at

His nape nervously. How on earth was he going to tell Midoriya? How much would he even say to him.

"I just..." Denki sighed. "I've just been feeling Not so Holly Jolly." 

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