Eat and Sleep

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I feel really bad because the chapters I was supposed to have posted this week are still unfinished. So I'm making this up on the spot with like no ideas or inspiration besides the fact I know I want it to be fluff, be warned because it's hard for me. anyways my next post should be on Monday and ill post both of what I had planned originally. so tell me what you think of my spur-of-the-moment forgiveness chapter...

   Kaminari Denki sat at the table in the kitchen, almost everyone else had gone up to bed seeing as it was after midnight. (including Bakugou because we know he goes to bed at 8:20) He was sat down with papers and pencils, along with a red pillow that was slightly discoloured; which confused the remaining students. Downstairs along with Denki are Mina, Momo. Jirou, Tokoyami, Sero, Kirishima, Midoriya, and Todoroki. Rikidou had gone upstairs about 15 minutes ago and he said he would be back. 

    Denki had a half finished bottle of water next to him and papers splayed out across the table. He had a small cup of pencils; a box of markers and a 96 box of crayola crayons.  He seemed bored out of his mind on what to draw, most people weren't exactly talking to him which wasnt helping his case. Todoroki was a few seats away sipping at tea, while Momo stood near the table talking to Jirou, also holding a tea while the shorter girl twirled her earjacks around with her fingers. Tokoyami took the seat at the head of the table, so it wasnt far from the boy, but he had his headphones in so he wouldn't be able to hear the blonde anyways. Everyone else was in the living room on the couch; they were all watching an action movie. When focusing Denki could hear them in the other room, the boys shouting and a yelp from Midoriya. Mina was painting his nails red like she has done for Kirishima the other day, and had most likely pulled him back down after an exciting moment in the movie.

   Denki tried to draw Todoroki drinking his tea, but he kept getting frustrated with how much Todoroki was moving. 

(This is my drawing please do not take

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(This is my drawing please do not take.)

Kaminari cried out in frustration and then began nawling on the erasure of the broken pencil. 
     "Kamanari! don't eat your pencil!" Jirou had scolded him.
     "well why not? you do it all the time!"
     "because its a bad habit, that you don't wanna start."
      "fine " and he had slouched back in his chair. Todorkoi took notice of the Drawing Denki had made of him and reached over to grab it when Denki had snatched the paper. 
     "I'm sorry for not  asking permission first, I just wanted to see what you were making."
     "really?' Todoroki nodded and Kami slid the paper over to the half & half boy shyly. 
    "this is a great picture Kami. What the, don't do that, its not going to taste very good~" Todoroki admired the drawing before looking up at Kaminari; he was trying to eat a crayon. Seemingly knowing what was going on, Todorki had used a nickname and teasing instead of scolding like Jirou had done, which irked and confused the girl even more.

   Just then Rikidou had come back down stairs and asked the others on the cough if they could move to the kitchen; he was going to be makin pancakes for a midnight meal but he had something to do first. they listned to him, Midoriay regrless of the food and simply that he had been asked while the others were excited to try Sato's Pancakes. When they reached the kitchen Todroki had a bit of blue marker on his face and  there was water spilled on the table from the obvious attempt at cleaning it up. Toroki was holding Denki's wrist in the air, keeping the hand that still had the marker in grasp away from his face. 

15 Minutes went by as Rikidou made the pancakes for those who were awake, and Todorki continued to play around with Kaminari. Jirou grew more frustrated with how Kaminari was acting by the minute while the others just grew more confused. Rikidou settled a small stack of pancakes in front of Kami with a smile. Denki Yawned and began to eat while Todorki scooted closer to sit by the teen.

   "Kaminari!" Jirou had exclaimed bringing the attention to her. 
   "kami" he corrected her and took another bite, his mouth now full so his cjeels puffed out. Todoroki chuckled and so did some of the others
   "He wants you to call him Kami, " todorki informer her before turning back the the babbling blonde. 
   "Stop babying him! he acting ridiculous and immature and you're just feeding into his behavior!" 

   "Nobody is babying him Jirou, we're just treating him how we normally do when he gets like this." that had the attention on Sato who took the seat on the other side of Kaminari, sipping at a tea he had made for himself seconds ago. 

   "he gets all childish when he hasn't slept in a while, but he usually comes down here. me and tdoroki have know for a few months now, and we found that playing with him and giving him softer foods helps him to go to sleep."
   "yeah, I would think that if its this bad he hasn't slept at all in the last two weeks."
   "Oh, " was all Jirou could say. she turned away from her pancake and went upstairs whispering a quiet sorry, feeling guilty. 

   Most had went to bed after her while Kami's usual squad watched Todoroki and Rikidou settle Denki into a makeshift bed on the cough. He soon fell into slumber with soft snores.

I really liked this and feel its a nice break from the usual angst I write. tell me what you think. 

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