Calling all Culoculo Chaos

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This couldn't be happening. It shouldn't be happening. This was the type of stuff you read in fairytales as a child or some sort of love-sick teenager. Denki may be a teenager but he's not lovesick or immature. Not entirely. He was aware he was bright in many of his classes and he was passing all of them. He had gotten a D on the last math test because he didn't study for it. But he usually passes with a high C. Which sucked for him because he got teased more than usual. Denki was smart. He does well enough in History and Quirk training. He does well at History, arts, and life skills. He passes Math and does exceptionally well in English; a language he had rather quickly gotten the hang of.

So why was he at a loss of words now?! A time where he should have a whole lot to say. He knows the names and the reasons and even the Statistics. He's done his studying on Soulmates. February 1st in the year 2127 (nobody knows the exact year MHA/BNHA takes place in so I scoured the internet looking for clues and it takes place sometime in the early to mid 2100's -I think- but it hasn't been said for sure so I'm simply making a guess) and Denki wakes up to his soulmate connection after spending 13 years of his life (most people can't remember much before the age of three, unless it's some sort of trauma, so let's use real life knowledge and I will put the rest of these authors notes at the bottom of the book unless absolutely necessary) thinking he didn't even have a soulmate. He knew it wasn't the worst thing. Plus it was already mentioned that he's not a lovesick teenager. But that doesn't mean he can't be a dreamer or wish for a future to have someone close.

In a world where people have soulmates, with hundreds of different connections and only 7 or so actually having names, finding out you're one without a soulmate isn't actually the worst thing. It's good. There's no limit to the love. That's good. Right? Yeah. I think so at least. Not having a soulmate? It's not the worst thing in the world. But Denki was still a teenager. That did t mean he wasn't a dreamer. Sometimes a little love from someone is nice. Even if it's fate deciding it.

On the weekends, then he would video call with his mom and stepdad. Hoping to catch up with his parents and talk to my brother Kai while they're at home and he's at the dorm. This time teachers had called for nearly a week off school to help with damages. A new destructive villain had caused as well as look for her. So Denki had been calling them nearly every day for the past three days,. How on planet earth was he supposed to calmly speak with them when unlike yesterday he had woken up with a pair of Culoculo horns on his head?

Damned February [Nigatsu]

Cliches were giving him a his head was in pain from the emotions, running through it; frustrated, confused, angry, anxious, flustered, relieved, and more. In contrast with the hurt he should have from a random pair of horns bleeding from his head while he slept. It was nice to know he had a soulmate out there somewhere; but he had to go back to school tomorrow, and his parents were supposed to call him soon as they had scheduled the night before. Then he wanted to see Kai, but he had been asleep last night so they were calling in the morning so he could see his little bro.

what was he supposed to do? He had woken up early to clean his room and caught his reflection, (Culoculo comes from speculo which means Mirror in Latin) so he had spent the past few hours learning to knit cat ear beanie hats, to hide his new accessories, and making a somewhat huge pile on the floor.

*It's not enough...* kept running through his head, but he had lost some time in his panic, and they were waiting for him to pick up the call. Then he strained his hand with his court clerk in his face as he wipe the sweat off of his neck. He ended up bumping his phone, answering the call as it clattered to the floor. And so a tinny female voice rang through.

"Morning my love!" His mother hummed. "Denki darling? Where are you?"

"Oh, um i dropped my phone..." he cringed at the answer.

"Well then it must not be broken because i can see your ceiling and hear you just fine. Your dad is getting Kai's diaper changed: he's been so excited to see you hun."

" i wanna see him too. Super badly. But..."

"But what Denki?" Before a child's voice could be heard on the other end.

"Den-den!" Denki saw and smiled softly as his baby brother made grabby hands towards the phone with a chubby grin on his face. His dark pink curls falling softly over his face made him even cuter.

Denki's biological dad, Sutzu Areru had passed away years ago; long enough away he couldn't remember the man beyond pictures. And a couple of years ago(before UA) Kumiyo Areru née-kyokiro (she kept her first husbands last name for a while) his mother; because Kumiyo Kaminari. Denki's new Step-dad Ruga Kaminari was somewhat of a surprise addition to the family, but not an unwelcome one.

He was a kind man with dark skin, and his pink and yellow dreads that he typically wore in a ponytail only added to his kindness. While Ruga and his mother were still dating Denki got pretty good at styling wires hair. The wedding was swoon worthy and sooner or later Denki had a little brother that he adored. Kai was nearly three now. Denki was nearly 12 years old when when his parents got married and he was barely 13 when Kai was born. 17 was approaching soon enough. Life was passing by in a flash. Denki was caught up in his memories.

But a blush crept onto his cheeks as he realized his how parents would react. Why on earth was he nervous? Well, never mind; that was obvious. Soulmates are a pretty big deal. And a Culoculo soulmate connection was an even bigger deal. But his parents would be elated.

"Is that Denki I hear?" came Riga's voice.

"Hi Papa. Yeah it's me."

"Well where's your face? I wanna see the bolt in your hair. Your sweet little face."

"Apparently he dropped his phone and now he can't talk to us. I bet he's just scared ti check if the screen cracked." His mother was always a tease. His face once again flushed at the thought of how they would react.

"No um, I'm just worried about something else."

"Come on Denki. I'm sure whatever it is it's not that big of a deal." Denki laughed through his teeth and coughed a small amount from his moment of hysteria.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine..."

"Whatever it is, it's fine. Are you sick?" Denki replied with a curt no. "Did you get into a fight with someone at school or during training? Are you bruised up and bandaged?" Denki once again denied it as his fingers sparks with electricity and his nerves. You try and explain that you woke up with a pair or non-removable horns on your on the first of February that weren't there the day before because date decided a stranger and you are meant to be.

See? He would sound crazy. No matter how he phrased it, it would only be a problem in some way.

"It's nothing like what you think. I just can't find a way to explain it without sounding insane or getting a huge reaction from you guys."

"Are you scared to tell us?" His mom sounded saddened.

"No. Not really."

"Denki?- Ruga began.

"Okay maybe a little bit it's like so weird to have to try and explain!" He pulled at his hair for a moment wishing it was some stupid prank or even a dream. A few heavy breaths escaped his lips. "It's kinda a big deal thing and I know you said no matter what but something is gonna explode. It's chaos."

"Denki I promise you. There's no problems with whatever it is. I know this probably isn't something you planned for or saw coming. Otherwise your wouldn't panic. Whether it's grades a fight or even something as bizarre as you wanting to drop out of hero school- which I know you would never do," she paused when a couple of gasps on both ended could be heard from her husband and her son alike. "the both of us are with you all the way. No matter wh-"

"I have a Culoculo!" Denki shouted. Unable to say anything else. 

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