Broken Families make for a Cracked Christmas

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This story once again takes place in second year with combined dorm buildings and my self insert Sōzu Suhito.

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"So what do you wanna do first? The others won't be here for a while." Suhito shrugged at the question. He didn't really know. He was bundled up in a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, black and white running shoes, and a dark gray beanie. Long fuzzy socks stuck out at the end of his jeans, his headphones playing soft Christmas music through his beanie. He was wrapped up tightly in multiple blankets. One was black with cat patterns. And the other looked like a scene out of a Christmas movie with a snowy mansion and pike trees.

"I'm not really sure. I feel like anything I try to do would take forever. We could just put the gifts under the tree and make hot cocoa for everyone?" Denki walked the few feet distance towards the smaller boy and gave him a heavy pat on the head, mussing up his ombré green-blue hair. Glittery jade green eyes stared up at him with annoyance.

"Stooopppp~" he whined. "I'm gonna go start the pot. How many mugs do you guys have?"

"Im not sure if it's enough..." Denki admitted. "But I'll start ok the presents?-"

"I could probably take care of that really fast. I have an idea."

Denki watched as the greenette grabbed his sketchbook out of thin air and settled on the couch.

"Can you grab me some scissors and a few rolls of wrapping paper. Like 3 different kinds. It took about 30 minutes for the process to be up and done with, thankfully Sōzu hadn't started the pot for the cocoa yet, but by taping pieces of wrapping paper next to sketches of basic clothing designs, and very basic objects that people would be thankful for regardless, there was about 50 gifts on the ground fully wrapped thanks to how Suhito's quirk works.


"Shush, no cussing. We hear enough of that from Bakugou"

"Yeah, you're probably right. What will we do about the hot chocolate?"

"I'll just boil some water on the stove. I can draw a bunch of crappy mugs really fast tho (he does exactly that) there we go, I've got the water on the heat and a bunch of small mugs. I know for a fact we have plenty of coco powder thanks to our queens Momo and Kendou stocking up on the stuff before break."

"Yeah! That's true. Do you want me to just pour powder into all of the cups? Like before or after the water."

"Before. Go ahead and do it now. I'll use the ladle for the water so it's about the same in each mug. Aim for similar amounts of powder per cup by the way. I'll add milk in after the water. Then we can head upstairs and celebrate Christmas with just us. Don't worry. We'll have presents and cocoa too Denki."

"I wasn't worried at all. It's just been a long day of planning things and throwing them out the window. I'm just surprised you even came downstairs."

"Well... you know why I don't go home. Because my family is just Homophobic, transphobic, emotionally, and verbally abusive pieces of trash. But I was gonna stay up in my room until I knew everyone was gone. But I'm confused as to why you're still here."

"I grew up with a broken family too. My parents divorced when I was little. My dad is a drunk and a paranoid schizophrenic. His schizophrenia is t super bad ans the pills help, he can live by himself. But he's an abruti person that takes out his frustrations, mostly based by schizophrenia induced amnesia, on other people."

"My mother is a little neglecting. But she tries her best. She's just busy with trying ti keep me alive. So she was fine with me staying here at the dorms. I'll see her before the break is over but the Dorms have become more of a home than with my mother and father have ever been. I've been surrounded by some of the best and kindest people I've ever met over the past few years with UA. I Wouldn't trade it for the world. Besides, Christmas here last year was a hoot. I'm sure everyone will have a wonderful time. But one just been wrecked with catching up on school work and making sure my dad doesn't drive over here drunk so he can drag me back to his place for Christmas."

"Oh Denki! Im so so sorry. That sucks. Looks like we're both in the same boat. Broken Families make for a Cracked Christmas. Am I right?"

"Yeah... you sure are Sōzu. Let's get the hot cocoa ready. Then we can head up to my room. I have a couple presents for you."

"I also have a few things for you."

"Awe~ Lightnin'-bug, you shouldn't have."

"But I did. Not stop with the nickname before I make sure you'll never have kids of your own. Let's just pour the water. I'm sure it's hot enough by now." Suhito jumped off of the kitchen counter and back inti the cold tipe floor.

"Can't promise I won't ever call you Lightning Bug again, but I won't you it as often as long as you don't kick me where it hurts-"

"Okay," Suhito gave Kaminari a fist bump and then turned off the stove. And the two worked together to pour over 50 cups of hot chocolate. 

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