Lightning Strikes in The Heart and Brain

141 8 134

*Not my Art *
The Sequel to: When Words don't Describe It

   "Kaminari, what are you doing down here so early?" Aizawa asked

"Oh hi Mr. Aizawa, "Kaminari he replied

"I'm just having breakfast, is there anything wrong with that? "

"No there's nothing wrong with that Kaminari, I was just wondering what you're doing down here in the kitchen when I can't seem to find anybody else. "Shouta looked around once more, but still not finding anybody else.

"Oh well that makes sense. A lot of people went home last night, and then everyone else went out to the mall or something. I woke up a little bit later and I checked my phone when I couldn't find anyone here. So I just decided to come down and make myself breakfast."

Denki took another bite of his cereal, thankful this time that he wasn't choking or throwing it up.

"What's up?" the blonde asked with a raised eyebrow towards Aizawa. The older male scratched his cheek and an almost comical sweat drop took its place on his forehead barely visible behind his wavy locks.

"I was going to ask Midoriya if he could watch Eri today."

"Oh? No I don't think they're gonna be back for a while, when there's a mall and Mina involved, it take a long time anyways, but I know for a fact that Endeavors credit card is involved, they're probably going to be gone until around dinner. I could watch her if you want."

"You watch Eri? I'm not sure," Aizawa gazed skeptically at Kaminaris left side (which is all he can see right now)

"I can't say I've watched her alone before but I have plenty of experience babysitting. My younger brother is nearly 13 so he's a few years older, but my younger cousin is 9, so just around Eri's age." Aizawa just held a look that said 'oh'

"Would you mind if I invited my cousin over ans a friend I met at the hospital to hang out with Eri?" Denki stood up to place his now empty bowl in the sink.

"The hospital?" Aizawa asked and Denki sighed. Aizawa gasped when Kaminari turned around.

"What happened? To your," The sleepy eyed pro hero motioned to his chin and neck, almost in a similar manner to the decaying quirked villain.

"Well I guess I can answer two questions at once. I'm sick, and I'm not gonna get better. My quirk has taken over my body like a cancer and it's killing me. It's been kinda hard, and I'm not sure if I'll make it to be a hero. I went to the doctors a little over a month ago and I was given some quirk nullifiers and some meds for the headache that still won't go away. I've been throwing up a lot lately and also coughing; there's blood too."

"As for the marks, they're called Litchenburge scars, usually from being hit by lightning but also a result of my quirk. They've only just started becoming more visible, they used to look kinda pink but they're now more blue-grey"

"I can do much about it, but I'm trying to live the last few years of my life to the fullest. And I wouldn't mind taking care of Eri for you. Before you worry about me, I'm fully capable of doing it.

Aizawa remained hesitant before giving in with a soft look towards Denki

"How long do you want her out of your hair?" Kami asked

"Well me and Mic,"

"Want a little alone time? Sure, just let me know."

"We're going to lunch and then to see a movie, so maybe like 4 hours,"

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