Lightning In December

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   It had been a long weekend, and it wasn't yet over. Late Sunday evening, and as worried as his classmates were, Denki was in the Kitchen. The students would take turns making dinner, and it was Kaminari's turn. He was concerned with what to make, but he did have a little help. Thanks to the class's special guest, Kaminari was able to figure out what to make. He was preparing Yakisoba for the majority of the class. Jirou had gone home to her family; Ojiro and Toru were out on some sort of romantic date[Mina called herself the matchmaker but it was actually Kaminari that Ojiro thanked when he got the courage to confess to the invisible girl] Tokoyami was up in his room, apparently not hungry, and Bakugou had stormed out of the dorms the second he checked who was making their meal. The angry blonde had returned not much later with a bag full of what Kami could only guess was spicy ramen, before he stomped up to his dorm room.

Denki wasn't about to try and negotiate, Bakugou had a temper and an acquired taste anyways. Denki was careful, making sure to get the right amount of everything before he killed his classmates with too much salt or other seasonings. He wasn't sure if their guest would like all of the vegetables so he kept the green and peppers in a separate dish. His regular group of friends, at least the ones who were still there, along with a couple of his other classmates were on the couches or other. Last he checked, Sero and Mina were playing Mario Kart. Kirishima was on the couch next to Eri; the class's special guest. Aizawa wanted the teens to watch her, he had something to do, and apparently, the only other teacher still at the school, Mic, was also busy.

Midoriya was on the other side of Eri, just making sure she was having fun. Denki wasn't too worried, he had given the girl his phone, leaving a full screen of games to play and videos to watch. The rest of his apps were protected by a password, and a password so simple it's difficult to guess. The games were all child-friendly, mostly puzzles and word searches, he usually started them when bored but they've always ended up being fun. He also had the kid's version of HeroTube; downloaded just for scenarios like this, maybe not specifically Eri, but to keep children occupied in general. The soba noodles had to sit for a little longer, Todoroki already sat at the table with a bowl of Cold Soba, nearly gone, just the way he preferred. Denki turned down the heat on the stove just in time for him to hear his name being called.

"Den-Den!" Eri called out, Denki was about to walk out into the living room when the soft patter of feet could be heard in the kitchen. When he turned around Eri was a few feet away, holding the phone out towards Kaminari.

"What is it Eri?" Denk soothed, trying to help the panicked girl. He had no idea why she looked frightened, but wanted to do nothing to scare her even more.

"Den-Den, who's Bubba?" She asked, her eyes widened in curiosity, but she had water in her eyes. Her head was tilted and Denki's eyes flashed with realization. He gave a quick look to Todoroki who was sitting at the end of the table. The boy with daddy issues slurped up the last of his soba, stood up, and set his bowl and chopsticks in the sink before walking out of the kitchen. Denki didn't know that he stayed close by to see what Kaminari would do.

The electric blonde softly took his phone out of the little girl's hand, placing it in the back pocket of his jeans. He picked her up gently, placing her in a chair at the table. Denki himself turned the stove down to low and sat on the kitchen counters a foot away from the pot of Yakisoba.

"Hitoshi Shinsou is your big brother right?" The little girl nodded. He leaned down and wiped away her tears. He guessed she was crying at the notification.'The Death of a Great Hero: Bubba'. It was August 12 (I know it's but not just pretend)

"Well, I had a big brother too, I was actually about your age and he was 16." She nodded in understanding, her eyes still brimming with tears so Kami hopped off of the counters and lifted her up. He took a seat in the chair she was once in and settled her on his knee. (What do you want for Christmas? Santa said, JKJK sorry)

"His name was Baburu; Baburu Kaminari, and I used to call him Bubba. 


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A couple of years ago today, my family took a trip to America. Unfortunately, there was a villain attack." Kaminari took a break as he saw tears flowing down her cheeks. She seemed to be starting to understand. Denki felt horrible for having to explain this to the eight-year-old. The majority of his classmates had gathered around, hiding behind the door frame. Kirishima had manly tears in his eyes and Mina was sobbing, a hand over her mouth to try and keep quiet. Midoriya was also actively crying, Todoroki looked almost numb, but if you looked closely, his usual expressionless face had the hint of a frown as his bottom lip was worried between his teeth.

"One day there was a villain attack. We're at a drugstore, which is like where you buy candies and medicine. The both of us had gotten some snacks like soda and chips, but there was this big big guy. He was also a villain. My big brother protected me, but the villain was really bad, and Baburu sadly passed away. He died a hero, my hero. And he's the reason I'm working my way up to being a hero today. I'm doing it all for him. I'm not really a religious person, but heaven got sent another Angel that day. I know for a fact he's living his best after-life up there somewhere, and I hope he's proud of the person I've become."

Denki looked up with tears streaming down his face. Cold small hands wiped them away causing him to look down. Eri was trying to use her thumbs to get rid of his tears as he did with her earlier. They were both crying at this point. Denki was surprised when the silver-haired girl wrapped her little arms around him in a tight hug. He hugged back trying his best to not release a sob.

His attention was taken away for a moment as he was startled by the placement of a calloused hand on his shoulder. He used his free hand to palm at the salty droplets staining his face and running down to his chin. He licked his lips as he turned his head, tasting the salt against them before his golden orbs met a pair of red ones. Kirishima squeezed his shoulder looking down with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry about all that guys. I forgot I set that reminder in my phone a-and then is m-ma-ade such a big mess, and oh god. I swear the last time I got this torn up was his birthday last Christmas. It's almost funny. His birthday was Christmas Day, so it's kinda a sad-happy celebration now. But it's even funnier that the villain he died protecting me had a weird blizzard-type quirk; Baburu loved the snow. Sorry guys, that's a lot of things you didn't need to know..."

Denki slowly stood up, placing Eri back on her chair. He once again used the back of his hand to wipe away his tears. He returned to the stove and turned the heat up. Grabbing enough bowls for the group. The food was hot and in bowls by the time Denki Kaminari turned around again. A nearly perfect smile was plastered on his face. If his friends hadn't heard his story they would have thought nothing of his wavering smile, tear tracks, or red nose, assuming it was from cutting vegetables.

"Alright then, who's ready to eat!"

Oh my gosh! Two chapters in one night?!  Indeed, I wanted to make up for slow updates and missing the last one, so here are 2 chapters, I hope you enjoyed the angst

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