Hiding Faces

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This is a funny chapter! It's supposed to be comedic and silly. I hope this puts a smile on your face. If you're reading this when it comes out, then wtf are you doing awake at 3 am?! I mean me too but hush. Go to bed child. This is supposed to be a small break from the angst I've been posting lately and the angst in chapters posted after this one.

No Ships

Also, I know it's a shorter chapter. But just deal with it-

I don't mean to be rude but please leave a comment here or at the end of the chapter showing you have read it. It would be very much appreciated if you could leave a comment on something you liked: something you didn't like, or if I include an original character then tell me something you noticed about them. Recommendations for second parts or simply future chapters are always welcome

"Are you sure about this Hitoshi?" Denki asked wearily. He attempted to stare at the corner of his room but he could still feel the loose folds of fabric over his skin. He looked at the clothing he had practically been forced into with a near grimace.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, What's the worst that could come out of it?" the purple-headed teenager said with a shrug.

"Oh, I dunno?" came the sarcastic reply alongside an eye roll. "I Hope you do realize this wasn't the easiest thing to put on! Even with your help. I would much rather not have someone see me like this." He said through his teeth.

"Said the fanboy," Hitoshi Shinsou whistled at his own joke and amusement.

"Fanboy?! What fanboy! I am not a fanboy! Have you seen your hero costume?! It's practically a replica of Aizawa-Sensei's!" Denki whined. He shut his eyes early into his rant and let a high-pitched hum squeeze its way out of his throat.

"You're the one who hasn't an Erasurehead poster above his bed,"

"Yeah! Because I admire him. He's like- like my favorite hero dude!"

"He's my favorite hero too, Denki." Shinsou flicked the blonde between the eyes. "But I don't have merch of Aizawa-Sensei just lying around my room. Let alone near my bed."

"That's because he's your dad! You don't have to work hard for his attention! You don't have to go online or go through your memories just to think of like awesome moments! You can just go to your guy's apartment and get a hug! He's one of the first teachers I've ever had who hasn't treated me like a trashy idiot Hitoshi! So I like really really like him. He's my hero! But I don't see a point for you to shove this Eraserhead cosplay on me the second you find out..."

Denki tugged on Hitoshi's capture scarf. The weapon had been placed on Denki's shoulders minutes ago by Hitoshi himself 'as a last-minute perfection'

"We're working with what we've got. I mean I provided the scarf. You had everything else yourself."

"You picked out the mismatched socks for me?" Denki said, raising his shoe-bound feet in the air and tugging the pants up higher to show off a singular all-black sock and a grey sock with a ramen bowl pattern.

"I still don't know why you own so many pairs of socks. Let alone ramen socks." Hitoshi dry-washed his face for a moment. "If you really wanna take it all off, then go ahead. Just- look at yourself in the mirror first. I know you've been avoiding it. But I know you also might like it."

Denki looked down. He hadn't meant to upset Shinsou in any way. The other boy's tired eyes looked heavier at that moment so Denki elbowed him lightly in the shoulder and gave the taller teen a small genuine smile. He then marched across his room, taking a deep breath before gazing at his reflection.

Oversized black sweater. Check. It was baggy and almost uncomfortable with the way Denki had to keep pulling it over his arms. It settled around his hands and wrists almost tightly as the rest of the sleeves wrinkled up his arms. His skin was already pale. So he looked sick and feverish with the large heavy layers and dark clothing on. He tried tucking the sweater into his pants but the unfamiliar belt wasn't doing him any good.

Denki hated belts. They felt almost constricting. While he wasn't averse to chokers, chokers could be quickly adjusted and could usually only be tightened a certain amount. He looked at the choker he was wearing now. It was faux black leather, with buttons in the back that could be adjusted depending on how tight he wanted it to be. The 'buckle' was in the shape of the Sanrio Hello Kitty outline. Denki forgot he even owned that choker in the first place. Shinsou must have found it. Probably under his bed or stuffed in his desk somewhere. Chokers? Denki was fine with them. But he wanted to rip off the belt. He didn't know why he didn't like them; they just didn't feel right though.

Shaking out the extremely large sweatpants, the folds draped over his all-black converse like dark grey curtains. Denki had bought the pants ages ago online. They were cheap and arrived quickly. But they ended up being a few sizes too big. Curse his dyslexia. His intentions were only to sleep in them anyways; so he kept them. But it felt weird to be wearing the loose pooling sweats in the daytime. He had to be careful when he was walking.

There wasn't much that could be done about Denki's hair to make it look like Aizawa's. Well, at least that's what Denki thought. Apparently, the now-hero used to have shoulder-length curly hair. So Shinsou used a curler to give Denki's golden strands some wave. The aforementioned blonde himself combed his hair with his fingers to loosen the curls, then Shinsou used hair spray and his own hands to park Denki's hair and style it a little bit more so that fragile appearing waves settled over his ears with a small section springing up and down just between his eyes.

Denki looked at the scarf again. He always imagined it would feel more like burlap or tape rather than cotton or normal fabrics. Namely because of how well it seemed to work for Aizawa-Sensei and how strong the material seemed to be. Instead, Kaminari found that it was much more similar to the fabric used to make shoes. It was stretchy and loose, but it was also super strong. (This is a headcanon) Wow. Denki didn't expect that. He ran his ring-clad hand over the sturdy scarf. After a moment of analyzing his teacher's hero costume and assuming the reason for each of the items; despite them obviously not being exact replicas besides the capture weapon, he turned back to Hitoshi with an excited smile.

"I think I'm gonna keep it on a little while longer." Denki buried his face in the layers of the scarf. Attempting to hide his face and now red cheeks. He still felt bad."

"Yeah?" Hitoshi smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ahem," Denki cleared his throat nervously. "Yeah, yeah. I think it's starting to grow on me." Denki peeled his hands away from Hitoshi's hero support items and finally lifted his head and eyes back up to look at the other teenager. That's when he noticed someone staring at them from the doorway.

It was Shouta Aizawa. Denki's heart leaped into his throat as Hitoshi looked between the two for a moment and burst out laughing. Denki was so so embarrassed. Tears spring to his eyes without warning and he was ready to spit out a million rushed but quiet apologies before he saw the small prideful smile on his Sensei's face. He watched his teacher's eyes as they both looked at his Erasure head poster.

Denki flushed and deeper red this time and Shinsou's laughing fit resumed with full vigor at the look on Denki's beet-red face. Denki was finally ready to try and excuse himself and shove Hitoshi out of his dorm room (they're in Denki's dorm if you didn't know already) when he recognized some deep dark chuckles from his coal-haired teacher.

"Go on ahead and keep doing what you're doing." He smiled warmly again and left with a wink. 

word count:1432

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