The Colours of Bruises

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Please love the artwork for this chapter because my irl bff provided the base for it. After this chapter is posted, I might put it here with her consent. (Not added yet but will be when finished 😅)

Before anyone says anything, I just like the way Colour is spelled and how it looks compared to color. 

This chapter is meant as a special. Some may understand its purpose, others may not. This chapter contains some elements that might make a reader uncomfortable (such as the trigger warnings state) so if you believe you will be unable to make it through this chapter, go ahead and skip it.

Trigger warnings ⚠️ Domestic abuse including physical sexual and verbal abuse towards partner(s). Screaming. Cussing. Abuse. Toxic relationships. Very minor mentions of sex or intimate reactions, such as nosebleeds and 'feeling horny', giving hickey and marking out.

This story contains slight TodoBaku and IiDeku. But the main ships are Denki x femaleOC and MonoShin with eventual sparks between ⚡️🐈‍⬛©️

Anyways! Onto the story!


"Morning love." Denki said sleepily. He looked beside him in the bed and didn't see his girlfriend. "Yani?" He called out for her.

"I'm in the bathroom." Denki shrugged to himself and quickly slipped his sweatpants back on. The two of them had been up nearly all night. Denki could still feel her lips all over his body. Now in pants and not just his undergarments he walked towards the door and placed his hand on the knob to turn it.

"I swear to fucking Kami [god] Denki! If you come in here while I'm changing I'll give you another black eye. You remember what happened last time?!"

Denki backed away in shame. He did in fact remember. But that was when they had first gotten together. Kobayani Nakashima was a gorgeous girl with purple-brown hair, large Ruby-red eyes, small swirls on her cheeks and a beautiful body. He never truely understood why she was so shy about it.

"It's not like I've never seen all of you before!~" Denki said in a teasing tone through the door, his lips near the crack. Just then the door to the bathroom swung inwards abruptly to reveal Kobayani wearing her underwear a bra and an oversized pink shirt. No socks no shoes no pants. A toothbrush in her mouth with blue suds around her soft lips and tangles in her hair. She had clearly taken a shower while Denki was still fast asleep.

She spat out the toothpaste and wiped her mouth with a towel.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry babe... I'm just so Tired!~" she whined. "I don't even halve work for another two hours." She stepped out of the bathroom. Why can't you just tell your classmates that you have a lovely girlfriend so we can sleep in and maybe you can be excused to go to class a little later?" Yani pulled on a skirt and tucked her shirt into the skirt.

"It's second year and I go to Yuuei High. I was late almost every day in first year and I need to show that I can be responsible." Denki kissed her cheek and she flopped onto their bed in their shared apartment. "Besides, you know my friends would be in my ass if they found out I had a crush, let alone in love~ and in a relationship." Denki paused ti think. Because while he absolutely loved his girlfriend, he knew their relationship probably wasn't healthy. He also couldn't deny the way his heart would speed up around 2 of his classmates when he was too close to them. So he lied a little bit. If Kobayani found out he was sure to leave in some sort of pain.

"Can you fix my hair for me? Please?~" Denki sighed with a smile and settled behind his girlfriends sitting form. He giggled to himself and began to brush through her tangled waves. Kobayani's hair was thick shiny and somewhat curly, but it always settled in small waves. Denki began to leave a few chaste kisses on her neck to see how she would react. She let out a few giggles and then a small moan. Denki couldn't help himself. He grabbed her by the chin and planted his lips on top of hers in a deep and loving kiss. That's how it felt to him. But their kisses never lasted as long as they once did when they were super happy in their relationship because he still wasn't exactly okay with the way he felt for two other people. How his heart leapt into his throat and somehow he swallowed some butterflies as well.

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