Blue Christmas

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I don't mean to be rude but please leave a comment here or at the end of the chapter showing you have read it. It would be very much appreciated if you could leave a comment on something you liked: something you didn't like, or if I include an original character then tell me something you noticed about them. Recommendations for second parts or simply future chapters are always welcome.

I recommend going back to the beginning of this book and rereading Lightning in December. This chapter mainly acts in the same universe; it can be considered a part two. I never planned to make a Christmas special chapter; let alone three. But I hope you all have enjoyed this year's angst. And are prepared for what I have up my sleeve for the next year or so. I do see this ending up needing a second book. But I also might take more frequent breaks. I still aim to update every Monday and Thursday. But Fridays shall be reserved for my Voltron 1 shots book if I can help it. Please be patient with me next year. I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and can make the most of these last few days this year.

Contains slight TodoKami

Heavy footsteps made their way down the stairs. Denki appeared after the noise moments later. He had dark circles underneath his eyes. Despite everyone thinking he had slept the whole Christmas. His hair was a tangled golden mess. It didn't look to be full of knots or even greasy. But it was unkempt and almost wavy like he had been twirling it with his fingers for restless hours yesterday.

The golden strands swayed in front of his eyes. And despite the hair in front of his face. It was clear to see the puffy redness. He either hadn't slept at all; or the only way he even fell asleep was shutting his eyes with never ending tears. Tear tracks stained his face in a flush down his cheeks and tear tracks all the way down his neck.

Everyone was worried now. Denki Kaminari had been a ghost for the last 4 days. December 22nd up until today, the 26th. He had been a deadman walking. Everyone had knocked on the door to his dorm room at least twice. Uraraka left early so she could spend her birthday and the rest of her break with her parents.

Ramen. It was apparently ramen time. Denki started a pot of hot water on the stove. He then went to rummage through the shelves. Pulling out a packet of spicy beef flavored ramen and tearing open the plastic. He placed the brick of noodles in a large bowl and then set a timer on his phone. Taking a seat on the couch with a timer on his phone and the water boiling in a pot, Denki let out a heavy sigh.

He was surprised to see everyone minding their own business. It was after 2pm in the afternoon and not one person was even looking at him. Not really. He noticed a couple of eyes. But none od the worried faces he was expecting. Midoriya blinked at him and smiled shyly. Momo waved from over her cup of tea. Silently asking is he wanted a cup as well. Denki politely declined from his seat in the couch and turned his eyes towards the large screened television in front of him. He turned off the cooking show reruns and decided on watching some Netflix instead.

Something was going on. It had to do with Denki's disappearance for the last few days. But it wasn't negative. Not like he thought it would have been. No worries glances or fake smiles. What on earth was going on. Denki assumed his sour mood would either ruin everyone's leftover Christmas spirit; or completely diminish their happy faces and make them worried for him. Denki was slightly spooked as his timer went off on his phone. He began to get up when he heard a monotone voice over by the stove.

"Stay in your seat Kaminari. Pick out a show. I'll take care of it for you."

"Oh, um. Okay." Denki turned away from those eyes. And he went back to facing the tv and putting on a show. He wasn't even sure what he was going to put on in the first place. But he quickly decided it didn't have to be a special or even an amazing show and he just turned on Naruto. Ready for a rebinge.

"Here you are Kaminari." Denki grabbed his bowl of ramen from calloused hands.

"Thank you so much Todoroki. You didn't have to do that. Do you wanna sit with me?" Denki asked sheepishly after showing his gratitude.

"I'm fine just standing. But I'll stay here if you would like."

"Yes. Company sounds nice. Do you mind if I asked a question?"

"Shoot." was Todoroki's reply. Momentarily shocking Denki at its bluntness. Kami didn't think that was a word in Todoroki's vocabulary.

"I feel like I've missed something. What's going on? Everyone is pretty much avoiding me." Denki caught a few guilty looks and even a sad smile on Todoroki's face.

"We wanted to give you your space. Every single one of us remembered how hard Yesterday must have been for you. We were gonna try and test your limits. But if you don't wanna be alone I also understand. We just assumed you wouldn't really be in the mood to talk to anyone. Now, I don't mind taking care of you a little bit. Grabbing your food for you was no great feat, and if you would still prefer to keep your distance from some people then that's fine. Let me know. And don't keep it a secret."

Denki quickly settled his bowl of half eaten ramen in the table and paused his episode of Naruto. He then threw his own body upwards and gave Shoto an awkward half backwards hug from his side of the couch.

"Thank you so much Todoroki. I think I'm fine with just a little company right now." And he breathed in the taller boy's scent."

"You're welcome, Kaminari" Todoroki placed a small kiss on Denki's forehead and loosened his embrace. He then walked around the couch and took a seat on the couch next to Denki. Lifting up the bowl of ramen and placing it in the blondes hands and unpausing the show, Todoroki cuddled up to Kaminari.

"I miss him... You know?"

"You mean Baburu? Your brother? Yeah. I know you you feel. I lost my older brother Touya when I was younger."

"Oh... right. I forgot about that. Sorry."

"Don't worry so much. Just remember the family you've made here. That's what's been helping me. And the fact that I get to become a hero. Holidays are hard on everyone in some way. Missing a sibling can make it feel worse. Especially on Christmas. Don't blame yourself for ruining Christmas. Because you could never do that. Just remember he died a hero. And that's exactly what your here ti do. Become a hero."

"Thanks again Todo- Shoto."

"No problem Denki." 

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