You Bitches need to get some Sleep!

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Tics will be written like this

"Oh, hey Shinsou, you alright?"

"I'm fine Kaminari. A little bit nervous *quick head tilt* but I should be fine *double blink*"

"Alright cool. Hi Midoriya. Do you think I could sit with you guys? Also sorry I didn't mean to brush you off or anything! ^rubs the back of his neck^ I uh, I would feel nervous in your shoes, we got a bit of a head start in the hero course, but you've been your way up and stuff and like getting really good.

"Thanks Kaminari, and sure you can sit."

"All I meant is that you're already a true hopeful hero."

"Hopeful Hero Hopeful Hopeful, Jesus!" He whispered to himself. "Um" he turned back to the blonde. Midoriya was sure to be giving him a sheepish look "anyways you're good good good, I don't really care that much. I'm nervous of course but I'm also really excited."

"You feeling okay Shinsou?"

He turned towards Midoriya. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You know that they always get worse without sleep, but for you they're bad when you're cold! Do you need a blanket?"

"No, i think they're just bad bad boy! right now."

"I um, uuuhhhh"

"Spit it out." Midoriya insisted, salty because he was worried for his purple headed friend.

"At this rate, i might whoops hmmmm!!hmm! Sorry anyways. I wanted to ask if you have Tourettes."

"Um, yeah, I do. Looks like you got some pretty fun tics too."

"Yeah, just a few. I make a lot of noise.*flicks himself in the neck 3 times* owww~ and sometimes that, as you can tell."

"Yeah. I hate the physical ones that cause me to like *facial scrunch and blows a raspberry* hit myself or something. But I've got severe echolalia, which means-"

"Actually I know what it means. My older sister has Tourettes too, I noticed I had a few tics when I was 10 and decided to do some research. She's got like major coprolalia, but thanks to the internet it helps me to recognize between just tics and Tourettes in myself and other people."

"That's good thinking Kaminari-Kun, sorry for snapping at you. I was just worried you would say something mean to Shinsou.

"Well that wouldn't be very heroic or plus ultra of me, and i wasn't really, whoops! Thinking of doing that *snaps his fingers a few times* plus it looks like I'm the one snapping at you! Get it? Because I have a snapping tic? Okay sorry, that was bad."

"No no, it's fine, was kinda funny. But um, do you mind scooting over."

"Yeah sure, I don't mind, plenty whoops! of room on this couch anyways *laughs* "

"You don't need to apologize" Izuku took a seat between the excitable blonde and the lazy indigo. "I just don't want either of you to go into a tic attack because you're staring and triggering each other's tics. I've been meaning to ask tho because you tend to tic a little in class."

Denki scratched at his arm for a second looking down. He suddenly snapped his mouth open in shut in a biting motion in the direction of his mouth (biting tic)

"Yeah, I tend to suppress them a lot in class and let out a few snaps or hums but me punching myself might be concerning and if I did my Whooping tic then people might get annoyed."

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