Impulsion and Confusion

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   "Kaminari, what are you doing here?"

   Denki choked on his water as Mr Aizawa approached; still in his heroes outfit. It was about 9pm and majority of his classmates were either snacking and watching a movie on the couches or asleep like Denki knew bakugou was.

   "Mr Aizawa," the blonde muttered out, a mixture of spit and water dribbling down his chin. 

   "I asked what you're doing here Kaminari. What are you mental or something? I know for a fact that the rest of the students are at the dorm, just like you should be."


   "No buts, I want you to finish up whatever you're doing here in the next 5 minutes and go back to the dorms. You as well as I know that the training facilities in the school yard are not protected and that there are no cameras because they would get damaged."

   "Then why are you here?" 

   The pro hero sighed and rested his face in his palm for a moment.
   " I am here because Myself All MIght Mic and a guest are going to be setting up something new for your class tomorrow. so I would advise you to leave or ill be forecerd to leave you out of training."

   "You wouldn't do that, would you?"

   "I would actually, and I'm hoping that this information will motivate you.  Your grades are already slipping farther and farther and without training they simply arent going to get ay better. It's not just your performance grades but many of your academic grades are lower than when you first applied to UA. your grades weren't necessarily what got you in but you really should take to heart what I'm telling you. 

   "I've been getting better, " he claimed, and then mumbled "you're jus always watching Midoriya or Bakugou or Todoroki and nobody ever pays attention to me until I fry my brain."

   Aizawa hadn't heard the second part of Denki sentence and activated his quirk as a warning. "I would recommend that you go back to the dorms and get some sleep. Make sure to set an alarm to you can get to class on time. "

    Denki began to laugh and Aizawa crossed his arms over his black shirt, the long sleeves flowing over his wrists. 

   ''Its almost funny," he started, trailing off to wipe a stray tear from his eye. What Aizawa didn't know was that it was both frustrated tears and laughter instead of amused. 

   "What Is?" he asked, his dark red eyes glowing in warning as his hair settled back over his shoulders. He watched Kaminari laugh to himself once more before he settled down.

   "Well, you called ME Mental, but you never talk to me, you obviously don't talk to Recovery Girl, and you've made it evident that you don't speak with your husband either!" he nearly shouted. But he was suddenly blinded by fear from what he had just said that he didn't notice the worry evident in Shouta's eyes. 

   "Kaminari," Aizawa started, moving forward a bit and reaching his hand out for the blonde. But Denki flinched. His shoulders went up towards his ears and he went to guard his face with his arms. As soon as he realized what his actions were and what he had just revealed to his teacher. He was ashamed, and scared. Definitley scared.

  "Did, did you think I was going to hit you?" Aizawa asked, taking a step back hoping the blonde would open up to him. The teen reluctantly nodded his head, keeping his arms close to himself and wrapping them around his stomach in a protective manner.

   "Kaminari," Aizawa started, and he went over to sit on the nearby bench, scanning a notebook with eyes and noticing that DEnki must have been training and working on homework. "I will not touch you unless you are comfortable with me doing so. I would like you to come and sit with me and explain your activities as of late as well as your response and your reaction."

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