Chapter 8

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"Well, how about this one?" I asked Ashley.

He looked at the sketch I made.

"I like the concept. Maybe different characters will work. Maybe we can use the costume design for the people in F.E.A.R. and a guardian-like person for the rebels."

I started re-sketching the album and handed the new one to Ashley.


He took the sketch from my hands and took it out of the room to show it to the guys. I leaned back into my chair and put the headphones back around my neck. I started editing Jake and Jeremy's guitar parts together for the last few songs. All I need left to record is Ashley's bass guitar parts and the vocals.

Jeremy came in and sat down in the chair next to me. I looked up at him and smiled. I unplugged the headphones and took them off. I hit play and Exoridom started playing. Not long after that, the intro to I Am Bulletproof started playing. He smiled as the guitar and drum parts filled the room. We went through half the album when Jeremy turned down the volume.

"It's amazing." He said. "But I don't hear Ashley's bass. Where's that?"

"I haven't recorded it yet." I said. "Did you see the cover?"

"Yeah. I love it. They guys love it too. You should have seen Andy's face when Ashley showed us the sketch."

"Speaking of Andley," I smirked, "I need them in here so we can do the vocals."

"I'll get them. Be right back."

He got up from where he was sitting and left the room to grab Andy and Ashley. All three of them came back a minute later.

"Okay." I told them. "Let's get the vocals done. Then, Ashley, You'll have to grab you bass and we can record the bass part."

"Lets get this album finished. Just in time for Warped Tour, then we have the Church Of The Wild Ones Tour this winter." Andy said.

We got all of Andy's vocals done and half of Ashley and Jeremy's vocals done when they had to get ready for the show tonight. They finished with their makeup and I followed them into the venue. I sat down on the couch backstage and waited for them to get onstage. After the concert and signings, we will head to New York. I've been worried about what will happen in New York City.

The show seemed to go by faster then usual. I followed the guys outside after they finished the meet and greet. We got on the bus and I went into my bunk and grabbed some pajamas. I went into the bathroom and changed into my pajamas. I threw my clothes into my bag and saw I only have a few clothes left to wear.

"I'm going to have to find a laundry mat when we get to New York." I thought.

I walked into the front room and sat down on the sofa between Jeremy and Andy. Jeremy wrapped an arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You excited to be back home?" He asked.

"It would be nice to see my hometown." I told him.

"Do you ever miss New York?"

"Sometimes. I just had a hard past that I'm trying to forget."

He nodded his head and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I was about to fall asleep when I remembered something.

"Hey Andy?" I asked.


"Isn't Juliet on the album too?"

"Fuck! I completely forgot about that! She's in the UK doing an acoustic tour. We won't be able to see her until halfway through Warped tour!"


I shot up from where my head was rested on Jeremy's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Carolyn. I completely forgot."

"It's okay Andy. We all make mistakes."

I gave Andy a hug and stood up.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Night guys."

"Night carolyn." They all said.

I walked into the bunk room and climbed into my bunk above Jeremy's. I plugged in my phone and got under my batman blanket before falling into a deep sleep.


"Carolyn." A voice said. "Carolyn darlin', you gotta get up. We're at the hotel in New York."

I simply rolled over to face the wall and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Fine. We'll do this the hard way."

I heard my suitcase zip up and set on the ground. I felt the blanket being thrown off of me and arms wrap around my back and legs. I was carefully lifted off of my bunk and my head rested on Jeremy's chest. Jeremy carried me off the bus and into the hotel lobby. He carried me through the lobby before stepping into the elevator. We got off and I was carried into one of the hotel rooms. I was set down on the bed and one of the blankets were draped over me. A few minutes later, I felt the other side of the bed dip and Jeremy's arm wrapped around me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek before whispering.

"Get some more sleep. You defiantly need it. No nightmares about him tonight."

"Mhmm." I mumbled.

I melted into his touch before falling back asleep.


Cover of Wrenched And Devine at the top ^^^

ILY my little penguins!


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