Chapter 27

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I saw Frank Iero on the 27th! He was complaining about his hair getting in his mouth while performing and said that him and is band mates made a bet that the first person to cut their hair, has to get a bad tattoo. My friends kept yelling for him to make it a transtamp. A girl to my right by me gave him a hat and he wore it through BFF! He was so cute!


Jeremy and I leave for the Black Mass Tour in three days. We were getting ready to go to the doctor's office for my first check up.

"Care, we have to go." Jeremy popped his head into the bathroom.

"One minute." I finished brushing my hair. "Done."

We left the apartment and jumped into Jeremy's car. Half an hour later, we were sitting in the waiting room at the clinic.


Jeremy and I stood up and followed the woman to a room. I sat down on the bed while Jeremy sat on a chair beside me. The door opened to reveal a doctor.

"Hello Carolyn." She said. "I'm Doctor Rachel." She shook our hands before sitting down across from us. "First pregnancy?"

I shook my head. "I was pregnant a few years back but lost the baby about four months in."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully this one will be a success. Now, before I send you over for your first ultrasound, do you have any questions?"

"My band is leaving for tour in a couple days and we won't be back until December. Any advice for her? She helps with merchandise at the shows, and has to come with us." Jeremy said.

"Okay. Well, as long as you stay on a regular diet, you should be fine. Try and find a place where you can get ultrasounds around each month. And when you get back, make sure to schedule yourself in immediately. I'll give you a list of foods you need to absolutely avoid. Other than that, you and your baby will be perfectly healthy."

She handed me a pamphlet and I stuffed it in my purse. We followed Doctor Rachel out of the room and into another room.

"Lindsey will be with you shortly. I'll see you when you get back." Doctor Rachel smiled before closing the door and Jeremy and I were alone again.

"See. I told you we would be fine." He said as he sat down in the plastic chair beside me.

"Yeah. I guess."

The door opened to reveal a woman in blue hospital scrubs.

"You must be Carolyn." She smiled.

She put on rubber gloves and grabbed a jar with a clear substance inside of it.

"I'm going to need you to lay down and lift up your shirt."

I laid down on the bed and pulled my shirt up past my bellybutton. She opened the jar and put some of the stuff on her hand.

"Now, this may be a little cold. Just a warning." She said.

She applied the gel substance to my stomach. She placed the wand over the gel. The room remained silent and Jeremy grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Okay. You see this white spot right here?" She pointed to the white blob close to the bottom left corner of the screen. "That's your baby."

I looked over to Jeremy to see a smile on his face. She wiped the gel off my stomach before standing up.

"I'm going to go and get you a copy of this."

She turned and left the room and I turned to Jeremy.

"Can you believe it? There really is a tiny version of us growing in there!" He smiled.

He kissed my stomach in the same place the wand was not even five minutes ago. I giggled and ran my fingers through his soft raven hair.

"When should we tell the guys?" He looked up at me.

"I think we should tell them after this half of the leg. I don't want them to be freaking out and telling me I should stay home."

He sat back down in the chair. "Don't you think they'll be yelling at you that you should have stayed home from tour even though we knew?"

"I don't give a shit." I sat up and pushed my shirt down. "I'm going on tour and that's final."

The woman came back into the room a few minutes later. She handed us the picture and directed us out to the waiting room. We left the clinic and got into the car.

"Do you want to get some lunch?" He asked after he started the car.

"Lunch sounds fine." I put my seat belt on and turned towards him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Just, nervous. Are you sure we are ready for something like this?"

"Care, we're ready for anything the world throws at us. We've been through so much already. Carson, your parents," he paused.

"Jeremy, what's wrong?" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh god! I knew I forgot something! My parents! My fucking parents! Y'know what? Screw hanging out with the guys before tour, we'll have till Christmas to deal those assholes!"


"Care? How would you like to finally meet my parents?"


Here we are, two days before tour starts, and we're on a plane to Iowa for me to meet Jeremy's parents. We have all our clothes and Jeremy's equipment so the guys won't have to worry about our stuff, since we'll be staying with Jeremy's parents till tour starts.

"Did you even tell your parents that were coming?" I looked over at him after we sat down in our seats on the plane.

"Nope!" He placed our carry-on in the overhead compartment before sitting down next to me.

"So, we're just going to walk up to your parents house and practically give them a heart attack for surprising them?"

"I won't give them a heart attack. It'll just surprise them that I'm there when there's two days before tour starts."

He grabbed a hold of my hand. The plane finally took off. I kept my eyes closed as the plane ascended. About two hours later, the plane finally landed. After the crowd of people died down, we finally got up and made our way to the luggage claim. We got both suitcases and guitar and violin cases before making our way outside. A taxi cab Jeremy called for pulled up in front of us. We got our luggage into the trunk and got into the back seat. We finally pulled up to a cute two story house. We got out of the taxi after Jeremy paid and got our luggage out of the trunk. We made our way up to the front porch. Jeremy knocked on the door and a minute later the door opened to reveal a woman.

"Oh my god!" She pulled Jeremy into a hug.

"Hi momma." He hugged her back and smiled.

"And who's this beautiful young woman?" She turned to me.

"This is my girlfriend, Carolyn."

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