Chapter 30

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I just really wanted to say this because I'm still in slight shock. I went to Warped Tour on July 18th at Cuyahoga Falls. We had a couple special guests because of the APMAs the night before, which is awesome! One of the special guests was Set It Off. My best friend and I wanted to see them last year, but we came to late and missed them. We watched the entire set in second row, and Cody Carson, the lead singer, looked right at us. After the set they had a meet and greet at their merch tent and I got the back of my ticket signed, as well as a photo with Cody!

 After the set they had a meet and greet at their merch tent and I got the back of my ticket signed, as well as a photo with Cody!

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Sadly, I didn't get to meet Andy, but I made it second row at his set and he looked right at me in the beginning of the set. Other than that, it was a great day!


We've been on tour for about two months now. I was still having morning sickness, luckily, they were in the early hours of four in the morning. So, no one has caught me throwing up my meals from the previous nights just yet.

"Day off tomorrow!" CC yelled as he burst into the tour bus after a long performance. "You know what that means?"

"Hotel!" I yelled back to him.

Finally! A room for Jeremy and I, and us only! Days like these always make me miss home and our bed. Jeremy came onto the bus and dragged me into the back room, locking the door behind him.

"Don't take too long in there Jinxx!" Ashley yelled through the door.

He just chuckled and sat down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm okay. Still not showing yet, I think, so that's good." I replied.

He pushed me down onto the sofa and lifted up my shirt. He kissed my stomach and looked up to me.

"Well, it looks to me that our baby's starting to grow in there." He smiled and tapped my stomach.

I looked down and saw that there was a slight bump starting to grow below my bellybutton. It was small, but still not visible. That's good I guess.

"I guess so." I giggled.

"Hey you." Jeremy whispered to the bump. "I'm pretty sure you can't even hear me yet, but mommy and daddy love you very much. And we can't wait to meet you. And I know for a fact that all your aunts and uncles are going to spoil you senseless. And I'm going to teach you violin."

"What if the baby doesn't want to play the violin?"

"Alright. I'll teach you whatever instrument you want as soon as possible."

"Oh my god. At least wait until they're at least a year old!"

"Fine. When you learned how to walk, I'll start teaching you."



I giggled and rolled my eyes at that, knowing that all of what he said is true. He kissed my stomach once more and looked up to me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back. "Even though your being an ass about wanting to teach our child how to play an instrument as soon as they're born."

"Hey! I have to keep the family business alive!"

"Yeah okay."

"Its true!"

He pushed my shirt down and completly slid himself between my legs. He leaned down and planted kisses all over me.

"Jeremy, stop!" I laughed.

He eventually stopped and pulled me up off the couch. He leaned in a gave me one last kiss.

"I love you." He repeated.

"I love you too." I giggled.

We made our way to the bunks and packed a carry-on for ourselves for the night.

"Took you two long enough!" Ashley said.

"Oh shut up Purdy!" I said.

The others just laughed. The bus finally came to a stop and everyone on the bus cheered. We were all sick and tired of living in this small and cramped bus.

We all got off the bus and into the lobby. John got all the rooms booked and came up to us with the room keys.

"Okay." John started. "Since it's so late, and we didn't book ahead, we aren't all together on the same floor. Just be down here before eight so we can get something quick to eat and head back on the road."

He distributed all the keys and told us what floor we were on. Jeremy and I were the only ones on the fourth floor. The other guys were on the second floor. And the rest of the crew was on the third floor, the opposite end of where Jeremy and I were roomed.

"Someone's gonna have fun tonight!" Ash said as the six of us stepped into the elevator.

"Shut up Purdy." Jeremy said and wrapped his arm around my waist.

The guys got off and the doors closed once again. He leaned down and started kissing my neck.

"Jinxx." I whined.

"What?" He whined back.


"Why? I'm bored."

The doors to our floor opened and we stepped off the elevator. He continued to kiss me all over as we managed to find our room. He pushed me against the door and deeply kiss me as he unlocked and opened the door. He closed the door and dropped our bag on the floor before lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He managed to find the bed in the darkness and we fell onto it.

"Jinxx, What has gotten into you?" I asked when I was finally able to pull away. He knows there's something up when I call him by his stage name.

"Its been over two months since we last had sex. I'm horny! I can't help it!"

"And how do you know that it won't hurt the baby?"

"We can still have sex until you're three months in. We only have like a week until we can't have sex till after Warped!"

"It's not going to hurt the baby, right?" I repeated.

"It shouldn't."

I looked up in his lust-filled eyes and sighed. He normally gets his way when it came to things like this. I leaned up and shed him of his leather jacket and Metallica shirt. He smirked before doing the same with me.


Jeremy fell onto the pillow beside me, the both of us still coming down from our highs. He pulled the covers over us and pulled me closer to him.

"We're heading to Florida in about two weeks. We have a day off there before the show. We can schedule an appointment for that day. Don't we get to know the gender this time?"

I shook my head. "Not for another month or so. Do you want to know?"

"I feel like we should. But maybe not tell anyone else until they're born."

"I like that idea. But, I have a feeling its a boy. You've seen what I ate this past month."

"I think its a girl."

"Why do you think it's a girl? It's obviously a boy."

"Well, we'll find out soon." He kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I rested my head on his chest before falling asleep to the steady sound of his heartbeat.

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