Chapter 28

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Momma welcomed Care into her home very quickly. We brought our things inside and made our way upstairs to my old room. We stopped at the second door on the left side of the hall. I opened the door and immediately felt like a teenager again. Its almost like the room was never even touched after I left. The same black sheets on my bed were neatly made. My posters and odd collections of things were still in place. I smiled at the sight and placed Care and I's bags at the foot of the bed. Care leaned the cases against the wall. We made our way back downstairs and into the living room.

"So, what brings you two here?" Momma asked us when she sat down across from us.

"Well, there's two days before tour starts. And I wanted you and dad to meet Carolyn."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Carolyn. Now, how long have you two been together?" She looked between the two of us.

"About a year. We met at a recording studio when we were recording Wretched and Divine. But CC ruined everything and we had to record most of the album on the road. That's why I never introduced her to you and dad until now."

"What about afterwords?"

"A lot of family drama happened back home, and I didn't want to bring it here Mrs. Ferguson." Care replied.

"Please. Call me Momma Jinxx. Everyone does. And I completely understand. Everyone has a little family trouble every once in a while." She smiled a little. "Now, are you two staying here until tour starts?"

We both nodded our heads. The front door opened and my father walked through the door.

"Jinxx my boy!" He said.

I stood up and went over to give him a hug. "Hi dad."

I looked over at Care to see her smiling at the sight. I know that she would have loved to have parents like mine. I stepped away and sat back down next to her while my dad went and sat next to momma.

"We must invite the family for dinner." Momma said to my dad.

"Family?" Care whispered to me.

"My brother, sister and their families." I whispered back.


She leaned a little closer to my side. I draped my arm around her as we all caught up. Soon enough, Travis, Autumn and their families came over. Luckily, Care and I were able to change into something nicer other than baggy sweatpants and ripped t-shirts. We both had on a pair of black ripped jeans. Care in a plain black v-neck shirt, and me in my ouija board shirt.

"Should we tell them?" I asked Care.

"I think we should. Because, next time we see your parents, the baby will already be born. Won't they?" She said.

"I guess. When should we do it?"

"Over dinner. The sooner the better, right?"

I nodded my head. We made our way downstairs and into the dining room. We sat down at the end of the table. Care next to my nephew, Dylan, and me next to my dad, who was at the head of the table. Momma and my sister, Autumn, came out of the kitchen carrying trays of food. Everyone grabbed what they wanted and we dug in. We were half way through dinner and multiple conversations when Care kicked the side of my leg.

"Tell them." She whispered.

"Alright." I whispered back.

I took a deep breath and tried to find the right words. When I thought I had the right words, I would open my mouth and lose the words and close my mouth again.

"Jinxx, sweetheart, is everything alright?" Momma looked at me with curious eyes.

"It's just that, um . . . You see, uh-" Care kicked my leg again. "Carolyn's pregnant!"

The whole room went silent. I'm pretty sure I heard a fork drop onto the table.

"I-It was an accident. I-I swear. I'm so sorry Momma." I looked down at my lap in shame. "Its all my fault and-and I ruined everyone's lives because of it."

"Jinxx, sweetheart. You didn't ruin anyone's lives. We're all just, shocked. We never really thought you would fully settle down and start a family." Momma said.

I nodded my head but kept it low. Care grabbed my left hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"You're keeping the baby I presume?"

We both nodded.

"Well, at least I get another grandbaby." Momma chuckled. "How about desert?" She stood up to clear the table.


I sat in my bed, waiting for Care to join me. She finally came into the room, in her pajamas, and sat down next to me.

"You good?" I asked her.

"Mhmm." She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"You tired?"


"Well, maybe this'll help." I pinned her down onto the bed and started tickling her.

"Jinxx! Stop!" She squealed between laughs.

"That's what I wanted to hear! I haven't heard that adorable laugh in forever!"

"It's not adorable! I sound like a walrus having a seizure!" She laughed again.

"Well its adorable to me." I stopped and leaned down and kissed her.

"I love you." She said between kisses.

"I love you too." I repeated. "And I love this one as well." I leaned down and kissed her stomach where our growing child was.

I rolled off of her and shut off the light. We both got settled under the covers and I pulled her close to me.

"Night Care."

"Night Jeremy."

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