Chapter 13

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I packed up my last few pairs of jeans before zipping my suitcase shut.

"Jeremy, if you keep shoving your clothes in there, your suitcase will explode."

"No it won't." I continued to attempt to zip the suitcase shut.

"Y'know, Jake really hates that whenever you open your suitcase, it explodes!"

I finally got it to zip shut. I turned around and wrapped my arms around Carolyn's small frame.

"C'mon. It's not that bad." I looked down at her.

"Yes it is."

She got out of my grip and went over to my suitcase and started folding all my clothes. I rolled my eyes and went into the spare room. I pulled my Violin and guitar cases out from under the bed and packed them in their cases. I carried the cases into the living room and set them down against the wall next to the door. I went back into my room to see Carolyn packing her things. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Why can't you take care of your clothes like you take care of your guitars and violins?"

"I don't know."

I spun her around and briefly kissed her. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. She rolled her eyes before I kissed her nose and pulled away. I grabbed our suitcases and brought them out into the living room, setting them next to my guitar and violin. I walked back into my bedroom to see Carolyn curled up in the blankets. I walked around the bed and climbed into my side, pulling the blankets over me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I kissed the crook of her neck before falling into a dreamless asleep.


When I heard Jeremy's alarm go off, I groaned. I pulled the pillow over my head to drown out the annoying beeping sound. He finally turned it off.

"Baby," he said. "You have to get up."

I groaned again. I rolled to my side and tried to fall back asleep.

"Baby, c'mon. Warped Tour starts today. I'll let you sleep till our set."

I opened my green eyes to be met by blue eyes. He smiled.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Now please get out of bed, for me?"

I nodded my head. He smiled and pulled us out of bed. We got in the shower (just so we wouldn't be late, and to save water) and threw on our clothes. Of course, Jeremy had his normal stage clothes on and I was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and one of Jeremy's Metallica cut-off shirts. We went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Eventually, we heard the horn to the tour bus.

"There's the bus." He said.

He kissed his pets goodbye and I helped him get our stuff on the bus. I started making our bunk, when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and threw me over their shoulder. I of course screamed thinking someone was kidnapping me. Then I saw a familiar star glued onto the belt loop.


"No can do missy." He walked off the bus and carried me to some unknown place.

Eventually, I was finally set down. I saw that we were at the BVB merch tent. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lips pressed against my cheek. I looked over my shoulder to see Jeremy.

"Can you work at the tent until our show? Michael is running late and he won't be here until at least an hour before our set."

"Why me?" I said.

"Please? I promise it will the only time. Plus, we have signing at 1:15. So we'll be here for two hours at least."

I sighed. "Okay. But just this once."

He hugged me from behind. "Thank You!"

Jeremy and Ashley left the merch tent, leaving me alone in the tent. Boxes scattered the small space provided. I grabbed a shirt from each box and hung them up on the back of the tent. I grabbed a few bracelets and a stack of posters on the table.


Hours went by and fans came and went. The guys had finished their signings a couple hours ago. Their set was going to start in an hour and there is no sign of Michael. Half an hour later, a man not taller than Andy stepped inside the tent.

"Your Carolyn, right?" He said.

I nodded me head.

"I'm Michael." We shook hands. "Sorry I couldn't be here this morning. Car problems. Your Jinxx's girl right?"

"Yeah." I told him.

"Cool. I can take over from here. You can go meet up with the guys. They are currently in the back trailer for the Kia Forte Stage."

"Thanks." I smiled an left the tent.

I got to the Kia Forte Stage and and went up the ramp and saw Jeremy tuning his guitar. I went over to him and sat down across from him. He started playing the intro to Ritual and I smiled. Jeremy looked up at me and smiled. He pulled me onto his lap and rested his guitar on my lap. He continued to play until they were called to the stage. He lead me up the stairs to the stage and stopped.

"You can watch us from the side of the stage." He said as he ran his thumbs across my knuckles. "Stay safe. Okay?"

"I will." I kissed him. "Good luck."

"Thanks." He kissed me again before running on Stage with Jake.


Credit goes to whoever took this at warped Tour 2013 in portland.

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